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Do You Want Easy Points?
Here you can get points easy or hard from doing Quests.
Quests are done by completing the objective that is given by a certified Quest Vendor.
Quests Vendors can only give a limited number of Quests per map.
Here is our list of the Quest Vendor Ranks
Trainee Quest Vendor
Has Access To all quests, but can only trigger them when another Quest Vendor is online
After a week of being a trainee (during which he/she was online at least 5 times, they can apply to any rank.
General Quest Vendor
Has access to War quests and can trigger them.
Elite Quest Vendor
Has Access to War Quests, Guardian Quests, and Hunter Quests
Master Quest Vendor
Has Access to War Quests, Hunter Quests, Guardian Quests, and Assassination Quests
Epic Quest Vendor
Has Access to all Quests and is in charge of applications
Here Is A List Of Our Quest Vendors:
Epic Quest Vendor:
Master Quest Vendor:
Elite Quest Vendor:
General Quest Vendor:
Trainee Quest Vendor:
How To Become A Vendor!
Copy and PASTE the following questions.
Do you have lots of excess points?
Are you willing to give away these points if someone completes the quest?
What is your age?
Can you manage being able to give out quest properly and correctly?
Are you notable for being trustworthy?
Have you even been banned?
Are you responsible for your actions and yours alone?
What Vendor rank are you applying for?
Do you like pie?
What is your IGN?
Quest Types
War Quests
War Quests are a normal quest that you will see every map. When a War Quest is Initiated, A Quest Vendor will select a class. Players from the other team must kill 3-10 players from that class. The Quest Reward for War Quests is always 25 points. Each map has multiple different War quests. 2 of them will always happen on every map.
-Uruk-Hai Quest: Slay 3 Royal Guards, Reward: 25 Points
-Uruk-Hai Quest: Slay 6 Rohan Spearmen, Reward: 25 Points
-Rohan Quest: Slay 3 Warg Riders, Reward: 25 Points
-Rohan Quest: Slay 6 Uruk Torchers, Reward: 25 Points
Helms Deep
-Uruk-Hai Quest: Slay 3 Royal Guards, Reward: 25 Points
-Uruk-Hai Quest: Slay 2 Elven Lords, Reward: 25 Points
-Uruk-Hai Quest: Slay 5 Elven Archers, Reward: 25 Points
-Rohan Quest: Slay 3 Uruk-Hai Crossbowmen, Reward: 25 Points
-Rohan Quest: Slay 1 Uruk-Hai Beserker, Reward:25 Points
-Rohan Quest: Slay 5 Trolls, Reward: 25 Points
Mordor Quest: Slay 1 Citadel Guard, Reward: 25 Points
Mordor Quest: Slay 3 Ithilien Rangers, Reward: 25 Points
Mordor Quest: Slay 3 Ithilien Soldiers, Reward: 25 Points
Gondor Quest: Slay 1 Nazgul, Reward: 25 Points
Gondor Quest: Slay 4 Haradrim Spear-men, Reward: 25 Points
Gondor Quest: Slay 2 Orc Chieftains, Reward: 25 Points
Minas Tirith
-Mordor Quest: Slay 1 Citadel Guard: Reward: 25 Points
-Mordor Quest: Slay 4 Swan Knights(Dol Amroth), Reward: 25 Points
-Mordor Quest: Slay 6 Spear-men, Reward: 25 Points
-Gondor Quest: Slay 1 Nazgul, Reward: 25 Points
-Gondor Quest: Slay 4 Uruk Torchers, Reward: 25 Points
-Gondor Quest: Slay 6 Haradrim Archers, Reward: 25 Points
-Fangorn Quest: Slay 5 Black Uruks, Reward: 25 Points
-Fangorn Quest: Slay 5 White Wizards, Reward: 25 Points
-Uruk-Hai Quest: Slay 3 Ents, Reward: 25 Points
-Uruk-Hai Quest: Slay 3 Huornes, Reward: 25 Points
Minas Morgal
-Mordor Quest: Slay 3 Lossonarch Axemen, Reward: 25 Points
-Mordor Quest: Slay 6 Spear-men, Reward: 25 Points
-Gondor Quest: Slay 1 Nazgul, Reward: 25 Points
-Gondor Quest: Slay 10 Wargs(Wolves), Reward: 25 Points
Moria Gold
-Goblin Quest: Slay 4 Hammerers, Reward: 25 Points
-Goblin Quest: Slay 3 Dwarven Engineers, Reward: 25 Points
-Dwarven Quest: Slay 4 Cave Trolls, Reward: 25 Points
-Dwarven Quest: Slay 2 Great Goblins
Great Halls
-Goblin Quest: Slay 3 Hammerers, Reward: 25 Points
-Goblin Quest: Slay 3 Long Beards, Reward: 25 Points
-Goblin Quest: Slay 4 Axe-Throwers, Reward: 25 Points
-Dwarven Quest: Slay 1 Balrog, Reward: 25 Points
-Dwarven Quest: Slay 3 Gundabad Orcs, Reward: 25 Points
-Dwarven Quest: Slay 4 Bone Breakers, Reward: 25 Points
-Mordor Quest: Slay 2 Dale Swordsmen, Reward: 25 Points
-Mordor Quest: Slay 4 Axe-Throwers, Reward: 25 Points
-Mordor Quest: Slay 6 Dwarven Shieldsmen, Reward: 25 Points
-Dwarven Quest: Slay 3 Gundabad Orcs, Reward: 25 Points
-Dwarven Quest: Slay 4 Goblin Mercenaries, Reward: 25 Points
-Dwarven Quest: Slay 2 Dol-Guldur Captains, Reward: 25 Points
Mordor Quest: Slay 2 Dale Swordsmen, Reward: 25 Points
Mordor Quest: Slay 3 Town Guards, Reward: 25 Points
Lake-Town Quest: Slay 5 Goblin Mercenaries, Reward: 25 Points
Lake-Town Quest: Slay 2 Orc Chieftains, Reward: 25 Points
The Black Gate
Mordor Quest: Slay 3 Royal Guards
Mordor Quest: Slay 2 Lossonarch Axe-men, Reward: 25 Points
Gondor Quest: Slay 3 Half-Trolls, Reward: 25 Points
Gondor Quest: Slay 2 Troll Chieftains, Reward: 25 Points
Guardian/Hunter Quests
Hunter and Guardian Quests are triggered when a Quest Vendor Selects a player that others must protect, or select a player that the other team must kill. These Quests can be triggered at any point of the game and last for 3 minutes (timed by the Quest Vendor). These Quests cannot overlap.
Guardian Quest
To Begin a Guardian Quest Must Choose a player that has a voter/point/donor class. from there on, every 2 kills the selected player gets earns him 5 points. When the time is up every person on the selected players team earns themselves 5 points. If the selected player is killed however, the killer gains 5 points and the quest fails.(Nazguls/Balrogs cannot be chosen for Guardian Quests)
Example: Guardian Quest: [players name]
Hunter Quest
To Begin a Hunter quest, a Quest Vendor will select a player that has a voter/point/donor class. From there on, any enemy player that kills that player will gain 25 points, but for every 2 minuted that the Hunted Player remains alive, he earns himself 10 points (this only applies up to 10 minutes). After 15 minutes, the quest is completed and the Hunted Player earns himself an extra 25 points.
Example: Hunter Quest: [players name]
Assassination Quests
Assassination Quests can be triggered by a Quest Vendor when at least 3 rank players are online. During the next 3 minutes, when a non-rank player kills a rank player, he earns points based on the assassinated rank player. Spawn killing will not count towards points.
Hero Rank: 5 Points
Lord Rank: 10 Points
Legend Rank: 25 Points
Veteran Rank: 30 Points
Sage Rank: 50 Points
King Rank: 100 Points
(Veteran Rank and higher can only be killed ounce for points)
Epic Quests
Epic Quests are very hard and very rewarding to do. However, they are different for each map.
-Epic Quest: Gimli Style: Slay a warg rider with 1 War Rider with a axe, Reward: 100 Points
-Epic Quest: The Burning Hall: Kill 5 Players In the Golden Hall with torches, Reward: 150 Points
Helms Deep
-Epic Quest: The Reckless Hate: Kill 3 Players During King Theodens Final Charge, Reward: 150 Points
-Epic Quest: Rohirric Mayhem: Kill 20 Players as the Rohirrim in 1 life, Reward: 200 Points
-Epic Quest: True Shot: Kill 1 Nazgul While The Nazgul is holding a player, Reward: 100 Points
-Epic Quest: One Man Army: Solo-Cap 3 Flags , Reward: 250 Points
Minas Tirith
-Epic Quest: Denathor's Plunge: Hit a burning Gondorian off the top of the cliff on the seventh level, Reward: 100 Points
-Epic Quest: The Wolfs Head: Break Through The Great Gate, Reward: 50 Points to each troll who helped
-Epic Quest: Sharpest Shot: Score a new nighest sharp shooter record, Reward: 50 Points
-Epic Quest: Lumber Jack: Kill an Ent that is NOT on fire, Reward: 50 Points
-Epic Quest: The Last March: Gain a Kill score of 25 in the first part of the map, Reward: 100 Points
Minas Morgal
-Epic Quest: This Is Mordor!!!: Kill Gondorian-men by hitting him off the spire, Reward: 50 Points
-Epic Quest: The Witch King's Downfall: Slay The Majority of The Nazguls That Game, Reward: 100 Points (no ties)
Moria Gold
-Epic Quest: The Newton Brothers: Steal 9 Gold in 1 Game, Reward: 300 Points
-Epic Quest: Dragon Sickness: Kill 5 Gold keeper in 1 Game, Reward: 100 Points
Great Halls
-Epic Quest: Master Dwarf: Slay 10 Player with the Windlass in 1 game, Reward: 150 Points
-Epic Quest: I Shall Pass: Knock 10 Players of The Bridge of Kaza-dum, Reward: 150 Points
-Epic Quest: The Gates of Mithril: Kill 20 Plyers on The Ram, Reward: 200 Points
-Epic Quest: Seasoned: Solo Capture 4 Flags in 1 Game, Reward: 250 Points
-Epic Quest: Dragon Slayer: Kill 3 Players By Shooting Them From The Windlass, Reward: 150 Points
-Epic Quest: The Turning Tables: Solo Capture a flag that was already taken, Reward: 200 Points
The Black Gate
-Epic Quest: The Might of Mordor: Kill 20 Players Outside The Black gate, Reward: 200 Points
-Epic Quest: The Harder They Fall: Kill 5 Troll Chieftains, Reward: 100 Points
(Reminder To Quest Vendors for this section, you do not describe the Epic Quest, only state their names. If Players don't know what the quest is, tell them to look at this post).
These are some simple rules about Quests.
1. Do not lie about doing a quest give proof you did the quest.
2. Do not insult are Vendors saying the goal is to hard.
3. Treat our Vendors with respect. They are giving you points man.
4. If you are "Rich" in points(you have over 10,000) do not do the quests for the points. These are meant for players who need points. You can still help in the quest though.
Here you can get points easy or hard from doing Quests.
Quests are done by completing the objective that is given by a certified Quest Vendor.
Quests Vendors can only give a limited number of Quests per map.
Here is our list of the Quest Vendor Ranks
Trainee Quest Vendor
Has Access To all quests, but can only trigger them when another Quest Vendor is online
After a week of being a trainee (during which he/she was online at least 5 times, they can apply to any rank.
General Quest Vendor
Has access to War quests and can trigger them.
Elite Quest Vendor
Has Access to War Quests, Guardian Quests, and Hunter Quests
Master Quest Vendor
Has Access to War Quests, Hunter Quests, Guardian Quests, and Assassination Quests
Epic Quest Vendor
Has Access to all Quests and is in charge of applications
Here Is A List Of Our Quest Vendors:
Epic Quest Vendor:
Master Quest Vendor:
Elite Quest Vendor:
General Quest Vendor:
Trainee Quest Vendor:
How To Become A Vendor!
Copy and PASTE the following questions.
Do you have lots of excess points?
Are you willing to give away these points if someone completes the quest?
What is your age?
Can you manage being able to give out quest properly and correctly?
Are you notable for being trustworthy?
Have you even been banned?
Are you responsible for your actions and yours alone?
What Vendor rank are you applying for?
Do you like pie?
What is your IGN?
Quest Types
War Quests
War Quests are a normal quest that you will see every map. When a War Quest is Initiated, A Quest Vendor will select a class. Players from the other team must kill 3-10 players from that class. The Quest Reward for War Quests is always 25 points. Each map has multiple different War quests. 2 of them will always happen on every map.
-Uruk-Hai Quest: Slay 3 Royal Guards, Reward: 25 Points
-Uruk-Hai Quest: Slay 6 Rohan Spearmen, Reward: 25 Points
-Rohan Quest: Slay 3 Warg Riders, Reward: 25 Points
-Rohan Quest: Slay 6 Uruk Torchers, Reward: 25 Points
Helms Deep
-Uruk-Hai Quest: Slay 3 Royal Guards, Reward: 25 Points
-Uruk-Hai Quest: Slay 2 Elven Lords, Reward: 25 Points
-Uruk-Hai Quest: Slay 5 Elven Archers, Reward: 25 Points
-Rohan Quest: Slay 3 Uruk-Hai Crossbowmen, Reward: 25 Points
-Rohan Quest: Slay 1 Uruk-Hai Beserker, Reward:25 Points
-Rohan Quest: Slay 5 Trolls, Reward: 25 Points
Mordor Quest: Slay 1 Citadel Guard, Reward: 25 Points
Mordor Quest: Slay 3 Ithilien Rangers, Reward: 25 Points
Mordor Quest: Slay 3 Ithilien Soldiers, Reward: 25 Points
Gondor Quest: Slay 1 Nazgul, Reward: 25 Points
Gondor Quest: Slay 4 Haradrim Spear-men, Reward: 25 Points
Gondor Quest: Slay 2 Orc Chieftains, Reward: 25 Points
Minas Tirith
-Mordor Quest: Slay 1 Citadel Guard: Reward: 25 Points
-Mordor Quest: Slay 4 Swan Knights(Dol Amroth), Reward: 25 Points
-Mordor Quest: Slay 6 Spear-men, Reward: 25 Points
-Gondor Quest: Slay 1 Nazgul, Reward: 25 Points
-Gondor Quest: Slay 4 Uruk Torchers, Reward: 25 Points
-Gondor Quest: Slay 6 Haradrim Archers, Reward: 25 Points
-Fangorn Quest: Slay 5 Black Uruks, Reward: 25 Points
-Fangorn Quest: Slay 5 White Wizards, Reward: 25 Points
-Uruk-Hai Quest: Slay 3 Ents, Reward: 25 Points
-Uruk-Hai Quest: Slay 3 Huornes, Reward: 25 Points
Minas Morgal
-Mordor Quest: Slay 3 Lossonarch Axemen, Reward: 25 Points
-Mordor Quest: Slay 6 Spear-men, Reward: 25 Points
-Gondor Quest: Slay 1 Nazgul, Reward: 25 Points
-Gondor Quest: Slay 10 Wargs(Wolves), Reward: 25 Points
Moria Gold
-Goblin Quest: Slay 4 Hammerers, Reward: 25 Points
-Goblin Quest: Slay 3 Dwarven Engineers, Reward: 25 Points
-Dwarven Quest: Slay 4 Cave Trolls, Reward: 25 Points
-Dwarven Quest: Slay 2 Great Goblins
Great Halls
-Goblin Quest: Slay 3 Hammerers, Reward: 25 Points
-Goblin Quest: Slay 3 Long Beards, Reward: 25 Points
-Goblin Quest: Slay 4 Axe-Throwers, Reward: 25 Points
-Dwarven Quest: Slay 1 Balrog, Reward: 25 Points
-Dwarven Quest: Slay 3 Gundabad Orcs, Reward: 25 Points
-Dwarven Quest: Slay 4 Bone Breakers, Reward: 25 Points
-Mordor Quest: Slay 2 Dale Swordsmen, Reward: 25 Points
-Mordor Quest: Slay 4 Axe-Throwers, Reward: 25 Points
-Mordor Quest: Slay 6 Dwarven Shieldsmen, Reward: 25 Points
-Dwarven Quest: Slay 3 Gundabad Orcs, Reward: 25 Points
-Dwarven Quest: Slay 4 Goblin Mercenaries, Reward: 25 Points
-Dwarven Quest: Slay 2 Dol-Guldur Captains, Reward: 25 Points
Mordor Quest: Slay 2 Dale Swordsmen, Reward: 25 Points
Mordor Quest: Slay 3 Town Guards, Reward: 25 Points
Lake-Town Quest: Slay 5 Goblin Mercenaries, Reward: 25 Points
Lake-Town Quest: Slay 2 Orc Chieftains, Reward: 25 Points
The Black Gate
Mordor Quest: Slay 3 Royal Guards
Mordor Quest: Slay 2 Lossonarch Axe-men, Reward: 25 Points
Gondor Quest: Slay 3 Half-Trolls, Reward: 25 Points
Gondor Quest: Slay 2 Troll Chieftains, Reward: 25 Points
Guardian/Hunter Quests
Hunter and Guardian Quests are triggered when a Quest Vendor Selects a player that others must protect, or select a player that the other team must kill. These Quests can be triggered at any point of the game and last for 3 minutes (timed by the Quest Vendor). These Quests cannot overlap.
Guardian Quest
To Begin a Guardian Quest Must Choose a player that has a voter/point/donor class. from there on, every 2 kills the selected player gets earns him 5 points. When the time is up every person on the selected players team earns themselves 5 points. If the selected player is killed however, the killer gains 5 points and the quest fails.(Nazguls/Balrogs cannot be chosen for Guardian Quests)
Example: Guardian Quest: [players name]
Hunter Quest
To Begin a Hunter quest, a Quest Vendor will select a player that has a voter/point/donor class. From there on, any enemy player that kills that player will gain 25 points, but for every 2 minuted that the Hunted Player remains alive, he earns himself 10 points (this only applies up to 10 minutes). After 15 minutes, the quest is completed and the Hunted Player earns himself an extra 25 points.
Example: Hunter Quest: [players name]
Assassination Quests
Assassination Quests can be triggered by a Quest Vendor when at least 3 rank players are online. During the next 3 minutes, when a non-rank player kills a rank player, he earns points based on the assassinated rank player. Spawn killing will not count towards points.
Hero Rank: 5 Points
Lord Rank: 10 Points
Legend Rank: 25 Points
Veteran Rank: 30 Points
Sage Rank: 50 Points
King Rank: 100 Points
(Veteran Rank and higher can only be killed ounce for points)
Epic Quests
Epic Quests are very hard and very rewarding to do. However, they are different for each map.
-Epic Quest: Gimli Style: Slay a warg rider with 1 War Rider with a axe, Reward: 100 Points
-Epic Quest: The Burning Hall: Kill 5 Players In the Golden Hall with torches, Reward: 150 Points
Helms Deep
-Epic Quest: The Reckless Hate: Kill 3 Players During King Theodens Final Charge, Reward: 150 Points
-Epic Quest: Rohirric Mayhem: Kill 20 Players as the Rohirrim in 1 life, Reward: 200 Points
-Epic Quest: True Shot: Kill 1 Nazgul While The Nazgul is holding a player, Reward: 100 Points
-Epic Quest: One Man Army: Solo-Cap 3 Flags , Reward: 250 Points
Minas Tirith
-Epic Quest: Denathor's Plunge: Hit a burning Gondorian off the top of the cliff on the seventh level, Reward: 100 Points
-Epic Quest: The Wolfs Head: Break Through The Great Gate, Reward: 50 Points to each troll who helped
-Epic Quest: Sharpest Shot: Score a new nighest sharp shooter record, Reward: 50 Points
-Epic Quest: Lumber Jack: Kill an Ent that is NOT on fire, Reward: 50 Points
-Epic Quest: The Last March: Gain a Kill score of 25 in the first part of the map, Reward: 100 Points
Minas Morgal
-Epic Quest: This Is Mordor!!!: Kill Gondorian-men by hitting him off the spire, Reward: 50 Points
-Epic Quest: The Witch King's Downfall: Slay The Majority of The Nazguls That Game, Reward: 100 Points (no ties)
Moria Gold
-Epic Quest: The Newton Brothers: Steal 9 Gold in 1 Game, Reward: 300 Points
-Epic Quest: Dragon Sickness: Kill 5 Gold keeper in 1 Game, Reward: 100 Points
Great Halls
-Epic Quest: Master Dwarf: Slay 10 Player with the Windlass in 1 game, Reward: 150 Points
-Epic Quest: I Shall Pass: Knock 10 Players of The Bridge of Kaza-dum, Reward: 150 Points
-Epic Quest: The Gates of Mithril: Kill 20 Plyers on The Ram, Reward: 200 Points
-Epic Quest: Seasoned: Solo Capture 4 Flags in 1 Game, Reward: 250 Points
-Epic Quest: Dragon Slayer: Kill 3 Players By Shooting Them From The Windlass, Reward: 150 Points
-Epic Quest: The Turning Tables: Solo Capture a flag that was already taken, Reward: 200 Points
The Black Gate
-Epic Quest: The Might of Mordor: Kill 20 Players Outside The Black gate, Reward: 200 Points
-Epic Quest: The Harder They Fall: Kill 5 Troll Chieftains, Reward: 100 Points
(Reminder To Quest Vendors for this section, you do not describe the Epic Quest, only state their names. If Players don't know what the quest is, tell them to look at this post).
These are some simple rules about Quests.
1. Do not lie about doing a quest give proof you did the quest.
2. Do not insult are Vendors saying the goal is to hard.
3. Treat our Vendors with respect. They are giving you points man.
4. If you are "Rich" in points(you have over 10,000) do not do the quests for the points. These are meant for players who need points. You can still help in the quest though.