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Rhovanion date and changes


Owner Emeritus
Staff member
Owner Emeritus
It is almost time for our next big update!
Recently, we have spend a lot of time on the Rhovanion update.
Now, we can finally announce the release date: March 30th!
This update will include:
- 2 new maps: Dale and Thorin's Halls
- Two map updates: Erebor and Laketown
- The new Rhovanion Donator Pack
- Moria gold readded as event map (can be started by staff)
We have also changed the resource pack, some small things, and fixed a lot of bugs.
Resource pack
- New hammerer model
- New easterling helmet model
- Removed a lot of textures that aren't necessary for the server
- Readded slight enchantment glint
- Reduced fire in screen size when you're on fire
- Fixed ore textures not matching stone
- Fixed sides of furnace and dispenser looking like troll

Other changes
- Reduced restock time for arrows by ~30%
- Added a new setting in /settings for getting messages when your arrow hits someone
- On linear maps like Minas Tirith and Erebor, you now can't spawn in flags far ahead or behind. This is mainly done to prevent confusion for new players, who would spawn far away from the actual battle.

Bug fixes

We have also once again fixed a lot of bugs. These fixes should really improve the gameplay on the server. The amount of still existing bugs is now getting close to none, but keep reporting them!
- Fixed axethrower and corsair captain axes sometimes not giving a melee weapon first
- Fixed axethrower and corsair captain throwing axe when toggling gates
- Fixed some flag capture messages using has instead of have, or using the when not needed (i.e. the Minas Tirith)
- Fixed windlasses all sharing the same cooldown
- Fixed not being able to walk after map switched when you were restocking
- Fixed not being able to put out burning constructor wood when the fire is on the side
- Fixed volley firing when left clicking spawn wool
- Fixed torcher throwing torch when eating
- Fixed restock continuing after death
- Fixed skyscraper being blocked because kys is blocked
- Fixed not being able to brace gate and keep on Edoras

If you have any questions, or want to discuss this announcement, use this forum thread.