Lots of stuff that doesn't always happen
Woah, steady on. You said one thing leads to this, then to that, then to this therefor the rule shouldn't be changed.
It's still rare for there to be a whole hoard of archers camping in spots inaccessible to nazgul.
Main gate, there is no "overlook" for flag.
Gate 2 there is that 1 roof (which is a roof and no problem grabbing people from there) that does not really overlook the flag, There are also the other 2 where 1 overlooks it and the other from a distance. Again, I don't see many or any games where there are a ton of players there specifically.
The most advantageous imo is the one at flag 3, in the building that pretty much overlooks the flag. I can understand that matches are tough when players camp there, but those are just good tactics, The way nazgul can still help though is grab players as they are getting to that building (via stairs which don't have a railing).
Flag 4, kinda hard to find an overlooking spot as the building that overlooks it has a 3x3 entrance and the far spawn building is really quite far. Also the flag area is quite protected with battlements so archer overlooks are not a problem really. You can always grab the guys on the balcony or roof of that building next to the flag.
Flag 5, only one place i can think of is that building with the fences as rail guard. But its not a tremendous overlook as its not easy to aim from there from my experience the players at flag can deal with 1 or 2 archers there (I hardly see any there anyway). The other areas on the higher walls are accessible by nazgul.
Tree flag, no overlook nazgul can;t get to really and if there is, I haven't seen a guy there for a while.
Your conclusion - "The reason why mordor can cap so many flags is because the nazgul take out the archers that are taking out everyone in mordor."
I have been in many games where no nazguls were needed as we all have i'm sure. And only when gondor are really actually using the best tactics they can (very rare indeed, although i'm seeing it more often) they will camp at overlooks. This still isn't necessarily the ONLY reason why mordor can cap, sometimes gondor just rushes the flag and nothing can be done really ;/.
Sounds fair?
However all that being said, I always enjoyed grabbing MD from outside the building
, not sure he felt the same way though.