The past months have given our new pre-mods a chance to prove themselves. Obviously, not all of them were selected to become full mods, and even some mods got demoted because of them being more inactive lately. We have now updated these ranks, and this is a list of all the changes.
robwookie: pre-moderator > moderator
Rikumaru: pre-moderator > moderator
Slimegirl24: moderator > pre-moderator
Makz88: pre-moderator > no rank
This means there are some new spots free for new players, and we will be looking for new pre-mods in the coming months, hoping to fill up those spots and increase the capacity of our staff team.

The update to Minecraft 1.9, the new Isengard, the new Morgul and the move to Europe had left some bugs on the server. We have now fixed most active bugs caused by that.
These are the fixed bugs and changes:
- Added a 40 minute limit to Isengard (After which the Uruk-hai win)
- Fixed hovering over server saying "RPG"
- Fixed Gundabad and Ents sometimes one hitting with every move in a life
- Fixed killing NazGûl with bare hand/planks not giving a kill
- Fixed store still showing RPG rewards
- Fixed typo in Gothmog's talking
- Fixed a Dale flag being blocked by fire
- Fixed fire/lava damage in lobbies
- Fixed troll and Great Goblin one hitting everything
- Fixed Minas Morgul walls containing stone and moss
- Fixed Minas Morgul tower having glowstone instead of sea lanterns
- Fixed part of the wool of the Morgul square not recolouring
- Fixed Isengard Dam leaking water
- Fixed mages restocking infinite potions
- Fixed Dwarf Hammerer not getting sharpness boost on Great Halls map
- Fixed voting page still showing RPG server
- Fixed Warg Tamer not working
- Fixed Warg Rider not working