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Suggestions for Rhovanion

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Owner Emeritus
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Owner Emeritus
With the Rhovanion update in heavy development, we would like some feedback on what could be changed to the the maps involved. This does not include class suggestions or suggestions for new maps.

We merely ask, what can we do to improve Laketown, Erebor, and Dale.
(Although Dale has not yet been added, it's been tested quite a lot, so most people already know it.)
People usually walk past bards, so maybe make that flag a bit more outstanding.
Maybe with orcs capturing laketown flags there could be fire on houses around it and if men recapture the fire still is there (just for background)?
Perhaps add another entrance to the map if the attackers fail to cap a single flag after 10 min?
Dale should also be more like old Dale coz i belive that we have enough liner maps but not enough maps like old erebor or old dale.
Perhaps add a connection between dale and erebot by making dale a map where the humans along with the dwarves are attacking the city after it was overruned by easterlings in the war of the ring?
Dale and Erebor both have this problem in which it feels too vast and aimless. There is so much walking it feels but little flag taking.. erebor could use a few more flags imo, feels too linear. like flags can be one after another but it doesn't mean they have to bein a straight line, ig. idk we want some new in erebor cuz 6 flags gets old.

Dale is harder. I havet played dale as much, but it doesn't feel good. i think maybe if there were more flags or shorter walks, maybe signs indicating what way to go it would help. like, in edoras its easy to get lost but its small and ppl know it. Perhaps if dale had well marked paths, that could help
Basicly what i said about dale and erebor being liner

i was mistaken, dale is now easy to follow and imo much much better. i can tolerate dale. what i don't like still is erebor, erebor does still feel too linear. 2 paths eventually converging cant be too bad. nothing like old but maek it a little more complex
Erebor is a bit empty on some flags and Dale is to dense.
With laketown you could add a second gate so the orcs can attack from two sides.
Edit: If you want to change erbor a bit you can make it a bit crumbly with gaps in the birdges.
(Becuase the dwarves were gone, when smaug came in Erebor had no upkeep for years)
Don't add insta-kill catapults like in the old Dale.
Still keep the catapults, tho! They're cool!

Maybe remove the ice blocks around the gatehouse on Laketown? When people get past'em right at the beginning of the round, when no defender has the physical time to get there before the enemy, it kind of defies the whole purpose of having a gate, does it?
I disagree, it gives the game the feeling of surprise attack from the goblin side and the defenders should be able to push them outside the gate and close it. If they cant do that i believe that the ratio (or sumed up skill) is in favor of the attackers and the gate wont really hold them for long.
But to fix this simply add 3-5 sec that the attackers will have to wait before starting the match.
I disagree, it gives the game the feeling of surprise attack from the goblin side and the defenders should be able to push them outside the gate and close it. If they cant do that i believe that the ratio (or sumed up skill) is in favor of the attackers and the gate wont really hold them for long.
But to fix this simply add 3-5 sec that the attackers will have to wait before starting the match.

that's fine but I wish men could push back against the orcs.. why not allow them to repair like balins tomb, all men get 2 wood restockable?
Because its iron gate and they cant just fix fcking iron with wood. Also giving men wood will allow them to place it on the map and fck it up.
Because its iron gate and they cant just fix fcking iron with wood. Also giving men wood will allow them to place it on the map and fck it up.

I don't think they should be allowed to build, but u can repair an iron gate on morgul with wood and gates are good for both teams because men can chip time off the clock, but also it forces orcs to group up for a stronger push. and if not wood then make them have iron blocks to repair, and maybe make it 20 iron to repair and they spawn and restock just 1 requiring a lot of co op to repair it.
((please stop quoting me it double ma notification))
False, in morgul they cannot fix iron gates and the main gate is made of wood.
How \ever they can fix iron gate on tirith so i get your point.
Well you see, making an iron gate is hard work that you cant just do in 5 min durin a siege, its not like wood which can be nailed together in no time to create a powerful barricade, iron must be heat up to be conncted with other iron pieces and form a barricade.
fake news.. at the courtyard they can.

sorry, they can fix both courtyard gates on morgul (not the tower gates tho)
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