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The Moria blitz.

Regent of Carthage

New member
V1 Lord
It was the 90000th battle of Moria and it seemed the goblins would most certainly lose. The Dwarves had 4 donors, while the Goblins had only one, Creeper_Diffuser. But the Goblins had a trick up there sleeves. /msg works wonders as the Goblins found out. The blitz began when the Dwarves were united by a traitor donor. They were united in the temple of the almighty Tibbles. They couldn't escape. Thanotos, a Goblin, simply stood there, watching his men capture the stairs flag. The traitor dwarf then proceeded to join the Goblins. Slowly but steadily there was a small army of Goblins capturing flag after flag. Till they got to the bridge of Khazad-Dum. There the Dwarves used the dreaded arrow spamming tactic. The Dwarves killed goblin and troll alike, showing no mercy. The battle picks of the Dwarves gleamed in the light of the torches by the final flag. The goblins began to prepare for the final attack. Half of the army would attack from the secret way above the flag, raining down hell upon the Dwarves. The other half would charge across the bridge and storm the Dwarven spawn. The only problem was that Thanotos wasn't a troll. The trolls refused to relog. So, despite having a lack of trolls on the side attack, the assualt began. Thanotos shouted for a troll to head towards the left side of the flag. Creeper's body was fill with arrows and covered with wounds. Thanotos himself was hit by 3 arrows, two to the shoulder and one to the knee. The Dwarves' leader, Frodo. united at the bridge and began a small "trench war". The goblin's swords and axes were covered in blood and when the battle was finally over, the bridge and flag were cover in blood. Thanotos and Creeper suffered mortal wounds during a duel with the dwarven leader and the flag was only captured after the Dwarves all were united by Frodo in a last-ditch effort to defeat the Goblins. Now, we hope that Thanotos and Creeper returns as now we head south to exterminate the Elves and Rohrrim at the battle of Helm's Deep ---- Unknown Goblin Soldier, 3/5/3014, Isengard.
very entertaining and exciting did this really happen on the server or did you make it up because it was very good