Edoras updated!
Included in the update are some new classes: Rohan Warrior, Royal Guard for the Rohan team and for Isengard we added Black Uruk and an Uruk Chieftain. Hopefully, these new additions should make the gameplay more diverse. The spawns of Isengard and Rohan have also been updated to balance the teams a bit.
Tobberz has been working on updating the Empire War resourcepack this week. This should fix some of the newer blocks and make them look as good as everything else. While we are talking about the texturepack, we made it easier to use it.You are now able to download it over on our website or you can even do it directly on the server by clicking yes once it prompts you to download it. This should hopefully fix some of the newer blocks.
We now have our own Discord Server. If you don't know what discord is, it's basically an alternative to Teamspeak, free to host. To join it simply click the following invite code: Y3xqKQx If you have any questions about Discord, simply ask them ingame.
Slots & Score!
We've decreased the total amount of slots from 32 to 28, as we were full only for one evening but the rest of the week the server was empty most of the time. We've also introduced score points which you can view with /stats.