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Updated Map Lore.


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V2 Sage
The ancient stronghold of Elves and Men lay under attack by a daring raid laid out by the corsairs of the Black Haven as the Dulgubalak sail up the river. Dol Amroth in its crippled state fighting the forces of the Haradrim is unable to send an army large enough to relieve the raid and relies on the elves of which live there to defend the city. The corsairs in their haste engaged a battle against the elven swan boats on the waters whilst a battle is waged in the harbour to maintain control of the port as the assault continues. Approximately TA 1634

As the corsairs advance upon the sea bordering fiefdoms of Gondor and Dol Amroth the river is left unsecure as Pelargirs fleets shatter and burn along the river. In the chaos that ensues ships slip past the great haven and sails and assail Forlongs Keep. In desperate defence they fall back into the keep, arming those they could for the fiefdom harboured many refugees from Ithilien. Approximately TA 1634

The great halls are once again under attack by the goblins beneath and Balin leads a brave defense to hold onto their ancestral lands for the drums beneath ring loud again. The goblins endless horde assails the dwarven reclaimers from the dark deep. The assault begins at the edge of the second deep near the broken stairs of Balin's ancestors. For if Moria is to fall then great evil falls upon the peoples of middleearth as Durin's Bane yet lives. Approximately TA 2992

For years the dwarves have guarded their hordes jealously in the depths of Moria yet the goblin tide rises once again. They seek to loot the dwarven hordes once more and assail from the few footholds they maintain in Moria whilst the dwarves mount a valiant defense. In the goblins foolhardy rush they bear gold of such might they are unable to fight which will make it all the easier to slaughter them at Morias door. Approximately TA 2993

In the great wars of men and elves the fame is left for the great battles yet as Mordor advances they are forced to assault and capture the keeps and settlements standing in their way. In the fiefdom of Ethir one of these settlements lay as an orc band raids the keep in order to allow a greater host to advance on Pelargir. Approximately TA 3019

In the weakness of Dale the amassing shadow of Dol Guldur found strength and an Úlairi leads them upon an attack on Laketown with an easterling force having burned and pillaged past Bardhaven to join the assault. A dalish force had been sent to reinforce the settlement and as such the men of Laketown mounted a strong defense and only fate can decide who wins. Yet another host approaches Dale in its weakened state. Approximately TA 3019

After sending men to Laketown their defenses were weakened and as such the easterling remnant assaults the city after receiving men from Dol Guldur and the dalish soldiers fortify the town under the leadership of King Bard. Under his rule the city had grown prosperous yet again and the walls were strong again leaving the outcome in the defenders favour. Approximately TA 3019

In ages past the dwarves of Erebor were mighty but after smaugs desolation it was a barren waste. Under Thorin Oakenshield and the reclaimation of Dale, Erebor grew prosperous again and the iron legion marched again. The little left of Dol Guldurs host after Dale and Laketown assails the lonely mountain with new forces marching from Rhúdel. Approximately TA 3019

Rohirrim reinforcements from the east having reclaimed the empty shell of Edoras ride out in raids upon the Uruk-hai legions marching upon Helms Deep. Sauron confident in his armies dispatches a mounted army to quickly conquer the city. At finding it fortified more forces arrived and the assault begun to take the capital of the rohirrim. Approximately TA 3019

The ancient stronghold of the Númenóreans is the only thing standing in between the Uruk-hai legions of Isengard and the people of Rohan. With the helps of the elves a strong defense has been made yet Saruman carries with him the means of destroying its greatest strength, The deeping wall. The hornburg stands tall as ever yet the Rohirrims strength is diminished. Approximately TA 3019

After the fall of East Osgiliath the forces of Gondor have been working non-stop upon fortifying the city and the orcs launch a daring assault over the broken bridge. Yet under the cover of darkness the orcs assail the harbour as the dome of the stars fall under the assault. Faramir and his rangers will fight untill the end yet Sauron plots with the corsairs to assist in the assault. Approximately TA 3019

The advance of Mordor even with resistance at West Osgiliath couldnt be stopped and they ferried their troops across the waters. During the assault a massive host moved on from Osgiliath and laid siege to Minas Tirith the capital of Gondor. With most of their men elsewhere Minas Tirith was badly defended and therefore the assault was possible. This day the capital of Gondor and hope of men and elves may fail. Approximately TA 3019