We're actually back..?
Most of you will already have noticed, but after someone paid a few months of website time and I started becoming a little active again, we slowly started reopening a server. Although this server will never have the size it once had, it will still be a place for you to play. There will be some big changes, so make sure to read these questions:Will the maps be the same?
No, they won't be. We will make new, smaller, maps that fit more with the size of our playerbase. So no massive Minas Tirith or huge Erebor where it will take you 15 minutes to even find an enemy, just lots of action.
What about our donator ranks?
We are going to make a new donation system with new ranks. I understand old donators might be annoyed that after all the money they paid, they will now start without a rank again, but the reason for this is simply that we already went bankrupt once, and that since the majority of our current players are old donators, this would leave us with barely anyone paying, thus bringing the server down the same way. We will, however, make a new, cheaper, donator system, and we won't listen to the EULA this time.
Can I be staff? I'm sure you need new staff, right?
No, you can't be. Please don't ask, you will only lower your chances. We are working on picking some moderators from our old EW and AOW staff teams, and we will also 1-2 new mods, but we are still working on this and asking isn't going to help you.
Why is it only 24 slots? Can't you afford more?
We most certainly could add more slots, but we won't, for now. We want to keep the server limited and sized to our player base. This means that if we usually have 12-24 players on, we won't make it a 48 slot server. This way we have more control over the amount of players that plays on the server, and it will be easier for us to balance the maps around it. Should our server grow, we will increase the amount of slots, but only in small steps.
I hope this gave you some insight on how the new server is going to week, and be sure to stay tuned for more updates soon!