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Your opinion counts.


V2 Legend
V2 Lord
V1 Lord
Ah, the staff. Those guys who help everyone if they are in need of it.

But... Do they realy help?

From what I have seen the past couple weeks, they haven't done anything mayor. They ignore the Community, in the servers and in the forums. So much people asking questions to the staff when they get on... That means they ignore them - since almost none of them get answered - and that they come on rarely. I made a suggestion for re-adding chatmods, IGNORED.

2 people hacking and creating terror in the server. The Community posted report threads for these, IGNORED... I had to summon the staff so he could get banned.

The staff ignores the community AND is slow...
I'm not talking about one person, i'm talking about a group of players.

Use this thread to post things the staff did wrong, or actualy DIDN'T even do at all. Don't be afraid of getting banned, that would only result into another 'Revolution' caused by the staff. If you can't express your opinion it's not worth playing on something.

I think the staff shoud check the forums, and by checking, I mean actually NOTIFYING what people write! Cookie is quite engaged, but he can't damn do everything! Lately, he did this voting (I guess most of you voted), and I think something like that is really important, because god dammed, what are the suggestion forums for if not... well, suggest?!
Well, sorry to say so, but I found it sad that you base a whole statement on two reports, as well as the fact that you generalise the staff to a staff that apparently ignores people when they need help.

But hey, that aside; you're right, not a lot of suggestions are being added. But that's why I made this:
Well polar I do agree that some of the staff aren't very active but seriously dude, they also have lives, they can't be on the forums/server 24/7. And suggestions and reports aren't getting ignored, if you look at the forums right now there are 5 threads being looked at by staff. Also, one thing is a suggestion being ignored by staff and another thing is staff disagreeing with the suggestions. So yea, this is my opinion.
This is a false generalisation of the Empire war staff team. Do you have any idea how many PMs I get the second I'm online? I can't answer those and answer main chat questions at once. We have lives too and the forums can simply not be checked 24/7. Your post about the 'chat-mods' you keep going on about was anything but ignored. Tim gave you several arguments explaining why it would be a terrible idea.

All of us are school-going so we simply can't be there all the time. It might take an hour for a report to be answered, it might take a day. It depends on our free time.

We ignore questions? In all my years here I have never purposely ignored a single serious question on either the forums or in-game, and I'm fairly positive none of the other staff members have.

Simply put,
We do our best.
Yes, The new staff that tim put in place (Cookie, Ara, Slime) Have been doing a good job. every time I put up a report, it is answered in a day. true the old staff didn't do as well, (sorry, no offence) but the new staff is doing just fine, DONT BE A HATER OR A BIG DARTH VADER CUTTIN PEOPLES HEADS OFF WITH UR LIGHTSABER Just a verse of rap I came up with on the spot
I agree only on the fact that the staff are a bit unresponsive on the suggestions and forums, though in game its another story. Staff are usually a bit slow on the forums, though more active in game. (Which matters more.)

It isnt worth complaining about, to be honest.