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Recent content by adamrob2002

  1. adamrob2002

    Denied Adamrob2002 discord ban

    Hello. I would like to appeal my discord ban. I was banned because my profile picture was Netanyahu. Some guy got offended and started flaming me, I told him to have a nice day. Then I got banned. Many thanks for the consideration.
  2. adamrob2002

    50000 people used to live here, now its a ghost town

    50000 people used to live here, now its a ghost town
  3. adamrob2002

    Falsely banned (again)

    Got banned for hacks when im not even hacking...just better than freek
  4. adamrob2002

    big mans mute appeal

    I won't say anything racist within global, please unmute me so i can spread my intelligence with the server.
  5. adamrob2002

    man hate dog eaters

    asians are bottom of the food chain
  6. adamrob2002

    Everything wrong with this server - why it's not growing

    I came on today and played a full round of a map (Edoras) and instantly found a few issues with the new EW. Firstly, the server is entirely anti-new player, donators and staff members using broken classes easily beat people using the standard classes. I am a great pvper and I was finding it...
  7. adamrob2002

    adamrob2002 appeal

    yaboi got banned for posting a screenshot of hacking in chat. Yes I am very sorry and want to be unbanned so I can actually play the server :_), I talk to a lot of people on the teamspeak a lot so ye I want to be able to play and I spent a LOT of time on the original server.
  8. adamrob2002

    adamrob2002 bean apple

    please unban me i didnt even hack just showed a screenie of a client in chat, chill if u want some social support i can fund it idc but please unbean me from my favourite server mincraft is my life i need to use this to buy food for my family
  9. adamrob2002

    Easy solution to the damn shutdown

    Well this obviously isn't the greatest idea, but who actually cares anymore? EULA is only shutting down big servers that don't follow the EULA, I doubt that Microsoft will find out Empire War is not following the EULA due to it being quite a small server. So if tim wants to save the server he...
  10. adamrob2002

    Headset disaster (Need technical help)

    Rite so I bought a quality headset today, and I can't get it to work..Turtle Beach Recon 50P Okay so my problem is that the headset only has one plug to plug into a computer jack, yet there's a "Sound" and a "Mic" or whatever its called jack (Well theres 5 sockets to plug it into and each one...
  11. adamrob2002

    A poll to see if RikuMaru should be demoted.

    Delete this. This thread is just fucking hurtful and I actually feel sorry for Riku that you would go this far as to make it an open public discussion. Staff should just delete this thread immediately.
  12. adamrob2002

    Ask yourselves this.

    Well where to start? Firstly I do not play Empire War any more for my own personal reasons, however I find this rather amusing and strange at the same time. So please can someone explain this to me? Its Saturday afternoon now and when I used to play there was 40/50+ on at this time before all...
  13. adamrob2002

    EpicQuestz on watch mojo?

    Okay, not sure if anyone is aware of this. But WatchMojo did 10 most epic creations built on minecraft, and Minas Tirith built by EpicQuestz is 4th, not heard of WatchMojo? They nearly have 12 mil subs. Edit : Apparently there was a thread about it on the forums months ago, but I checked that...
  14. adamrob2002

    Lost my pay to win rank.

    Once upon a time I was sage, then some randy sket called sjeordtim decided to give me hero rank, please demote him as he is very abusive.
  15. adamrob2002

    Chat shit get banged.

    Tim is shitter at owning a server than Kim Jung un is at feeding his people. Not mad just bored.