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  • I hereby give that cover picture and quote my official seal of approval. Well done.
    Ephesians 4:29
    I really need to work on that...
    Interested in Blackfyre?
    Yeah, do I need to make an application for the new server though? The RP server Blackfyre's on? I don't know how much I could be on though, maybe a lot though, it would be fun. :)
    Hey guys, I know I haven't been on much, but I've been on vacation recently and my internet was down for a week. Just got it fixed today. I will try to be on LotR Siege more and LMS. School has started recently also, around September 16, and has been keeping me busy. I posted in July that I would be getting my own computer but that will be sometime next year. I have been building things in Minecraft in what little spare time I've had lately, with my brother and by myself. I will upload some screenshots. Have a great day guys!
    Yes, it does, I have Saxon math too. :o
    Hey guys, the hard-drive in my computer went out so that's why I haven't been on lately. Most stuff was backed up though, except for one skin I recently finished and hadn't backed up. And also with the passing of my grandfather I just haven't came on. The new hard-drive is on the way though and I may be getting my own computer if everything works out, which means I'll probably be on more, as I had to share my other computer with one of my siblings.
    Ok, I'll post in it soon. And, you spelled my name with a '5' at the end instead of an 's.' ;) Doesn't really matter. ;)
    My family member in the hospital passed away. It is sad for us down here but I know they are in a better place. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." - Psalms 116:15
    Thanks, and I'm sorry for your loss. :( I'll pray for you and your family.
    My family member in the hospital probably isn't going to make it. :( He's going to A Better Home though.
    Swift Im I know how it feels bro. But keep strong!
    Everyone please pray for a family member of mine that is in the hospital in bad condition. Thanks.
    Thank you lucolas01. :)
    Hello Elf brother. I would like to know what Kingdom you have joined. Because two great Elves are better than one.
    Well let me add you as a friend and we can talk in chat.
    Congratulations to akennell12 and Lord_Sauron_ for being chose as Pre-Moderator.
    ~Everyone pray for the families whose loved ones or friends were hurt or killed in the Boston Marathon explosions~ ~ May God comfort their families and friends~ <3
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