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  • 8lvYArZ.jpg
    Dumping bodies are you?
    I did nothing wrong, you have no evidence!
    After assassinating a random knight and stealing his high-tier armour, I thought it would be fun to become a melee warrior as well. After a few less convenient encounters with bandits, I was harshly reminded of why I generally prefer stealth and sneaking over fair fights.
    It is difficult in the beginning, but very fun when you learn to fight!
    If you need to fight, but want a safer way of doing it, I recommend archery. Once you acquire a horse (which you might have already), you can easily use hit and run tactics repeatedly to great effect.
    Yes, mounted archery has proven to be extremely useful for killing groups of enemies. At least until they improve their combat AI a bit more, it is fairly easy to just circle around them whilst they helplessly chase after the horse. I actually picked the Brute perk though, since I feel that strength is useful both for melee and archery, as well as it's great for carry weight. I probably wouldn't have picked that perk if it had somehow negatively influenced stealth or agility, but since it only had a negative impact on speech and charisma (where of the latter mainly is about keeping clean and proper attire), I feel that such a sacrifice was worth it. Also, I felt that a sword was kind of useless for a melee fighter when facing enemies in heavy armour, so I switched my sword for one of the really expensive maces, which is far more useful in heavy combat. Also, my alchemy level is already at 20 (once you get to level 10, it's very easy to level up) so I am obviously quite capable of accessing poisons. Because in the end, it's fairly well-known that my favourable method of killing is with poison and daggers.
    I recently began making a self drivable toy car at school. Although it is very primitive as of now, the concept is more or less working and very fun to work with. The car steers and drives itself, only by the help of the micro processor Arduino Uno I have programmed. The car orientates what is in front of it with the use of an ultra sound sensor located in the front. At school, I only had access to one sensor, that means the car is not able to "see" what is in the room very well, thus explains its primitive state.
    Haven't seen you for a couple of years, remember me from the Conwy castle old days?
    Of course I do, it sure has been a long time. How are you?
    Good, a little bored maybe, Sad that the server is shutting down. You have steam?
    I have Steam yes, but I don't use it very much I'm afraid.
    I'm bored, but I like to make pizza

    There is meat under the cheese on all the pizzas, I understand you might think the two pizzas to the left could be vegetarian. The pizza to the right has pepperoni on top as well.
    Those look delicious.. to a degree.
    A little bit over 400 degrees 'cause that's how it's done. :)
    Magna turris?

    As we all know, the keep was a self-sufficient structure that castle defenders could retreat to and hold as a last resort during a battle. The keep was originally called a donjon or great tower. In medieval documents (I don't have a source for this right now) the great tower is referred to as the "magna turris", magna meaning great in Latin and turris I assume means tower. The word "keep" didn't come along in the English literature until the later half of the 16th century. Sometimes the basement of the keep served as a prison, so the word dungeon soon developed as slang for the keep.


    You can read more at http://www.castles-of-britain.com/keeps.htm, this is taken from that website!
    Ah? Will we have another trivia wall?
    I prefer castle walls to be honest.
    Guess what Castle I'm drawing. It's a shame the quality on the camera is very bad, that's also why it looks blurry.

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