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  • O Gil-galad i Edhelchír
    dim linnar i thelegain:
    Im Belegaer a Hithaeglir
    Aran ardh vethed vain a lain.

    Gariel maegech Gil-galad,
    Thôl palan-gennen, ann-vegil;
    A giliath arnoediad
    Tann thann dîn be genedril.

    Dan io-anann os si gwannant
    A mas, ú-bedir ithronath;
    An gîl dîn na-dúath di-dhant,
    vi Mordor, ennas caeda gwath.
    Na 'Aear, na 'Aear! Mýl 'lain nallol,
    I sûl ribiel a i falf 'loss reviol.
    Na annûn hae, ias Anor dannol.
    Cair vith, cair vith, lastal hain canel,
    Lamath in-gwaithen i gwennin no nin?
    Gwannathon, gwannathon taur i onnant nin;
    an midui orath vín a dennin inath vín.
    Trevedithon 'aear land erui ciriel.
    Falvath enainn bo Mathedfalas dannol,
    Lamath vilui vi Tol Gwannen cannen,
    Vi Tol Ereb, ned Bar-in-Edhil i Edain ú-gennir,
    Ias lais ú-dhannar: dôr en-gwaith nín an-uir!
    Did you die!!!!?!?!?!!?
    Hope not.
    Good. I remember you as one of the few old vets that played with me when I was new. Glad to see you still play
    Where now are the Dúnedain, Elessar, Elessar?
    Why do thy kinsfolk wander afar?
    Near is the hour when the Lost should come forth,
    And the Grey Company ride from the North,
    But dark is the path appointed to thee:
    The Dead watch the road that leads to the Sea.
    Legolas Greenleaf, long under tree
    In joy thou hast lived. Beware of the Sea!
    If thou hearest the cry of the gull on the shore,
    Thy heart shall then rest in the forest no more.
    "A deadly sword, a healing hand,
    a back that bent beneath its load;
    a trumpet-voice, a burning brand,
    a weary pilgrim on the road."
    Gondor! Gondor, between the Mountains and the Sea!
    West Wind blew there; the light upon the Silver Tree
    Fell like bright rain in gardens of the Kings of old.
    O proud walls! White towers! O winged crown and throne of gold!
    O Gondor, Gondor! Shall Men behold the Silver Tree,
    Or West Wind blow again between the Mountains and the Sea?
    So... Almost forgot I had an Enjin account. Been busy on the LOTR Minecraft Mod Wiki.

    I've gone for a second try... Moderator again, but this time on the Tales of Ages server. I love this server even more than the last one because in addition to the Lord of the Rings mod it has the TLABending plugin! So I can finally be the waterbending Elf I was meant to be. I lead the Dúnethrim, of the island haven of Nivrim. It's a custom faction(If I was interested I would lead the Galadhrim) and unfindable(Literally, it's unfindable. If Aman was in the mod at this time, this place would be in the Ekkia, the Encircling Seas that surround Arda). If you wish to join me, I am always willing to take new members on.
    Dude... Your Posts Are Just... AWESOME!
    "In that vast shadow once of yore
    Fingolfin stood: his shield he bore
    with field of heaven’s blue and star
    of crystal shining pale afar.
    In overmastering wrath and hate
    desperate he smote upon that gate,
    the Elven-king, there standing lone,
    while endless fortresses of stone
    engulfed the thin clear ringing keen
    of silver horn and baldric green."
    He chanted a song of wizardry,
    Of piercing, opening, of treachery,
    Revealing, uncovering, betraying.
    Then sudden Felagund there swaying
    sang in answer a song of staying,
    Resisting, battling against power,
    Of secrets kept, strength like a tower,
    And trust unbroken, freedom, escape;
    Of changing and of shifting shape,
    Of snares eluded, broken traps,
    The prison opening, the chain that snaps,
    Backwards and forwards swayed their song.
    Reeling and foundering, as ever more strong
    The chanting swelled, Felagund fought,
    And all the magic and might he brought,
    Of Elvenesse into his words.
    Softly in the gloom they heard the birds
    Singing afar in Nargothrond,
    The sighing of the sea beyond,
    Beyond the western world, on sand,
    On sand of pearls in Elvenland.
    Then the gloom gathered; darkness growing
    In Valinor, the red blood flowing
    Beside the sea, where the Noldor slew
    The Foamriders, and stealing drew
    Their white ships with their white sails
    From lamplit havens. The wind wails,
    The wolf howls. The ravens flee.
    The ice mutters in the mouths of the sea.
    The captives sad in Angband mourn,
    Thunder rumbles, the fires burn-
    And Finrod fell before the throne.
    Tall ships and tall kings
    Three times three,
    What brought they from the foundered land
    Over the flowing sea?
    Seven stars and seven stones
    and one white tree.
    Sindarin Translation:

    Ae na guil nín egor na ngurth nín
    Gerin le beriad
    Le beriathon
    Le annon vegil nín
    Cyll e-Gorv
    Le annon beth nín
    Ú-erir aen han risto
    Ú-erir aen han presto
    Rúvo i rym
    I aur hen ú bant!
    Isto Mordor han
    Elessar! Elessar!
    Tellin i Chîr Gondor!

    English Translation:

    If by my life or death
    I can protect you,
    I will
    I give you my sword
    I give you my word,
    It cannot be broken.
    Nor turned aside,
    Let the horns sound,
    This day is not done!
    Let Mordor know this:
    Elessar! Elessar!
    The Lords of Gondor have come
    “Earth shakes, stone breaks,
    The forest is at your door.
    The dark sleep is broken,
    The woods have awoken,
    The trees have gone to war.
    Roots rend, wood bends,
    The Ents have answered the call.
    Through branches now the wind sings.
    Feel the power of living things.
    The trees have gone to war.”
    Alright... So I'm a moderator on a different LotR mod server than the official one. And I lead the last of the Snow-elves(A custom faction) against the Tsis Empire, who took our lands long ago. Join me on Regimes of Middle-earth, and let us take back the Forodwaith, our ancient homelands!

    Glosslond, Bar Ephél, Calad Ningaear, Eru Forven, Mindon Dúven, these shall all rise again! No more shall we hide away in our Sanctuary! No more shall we flee back to Edlenrond! We shall finally be free, free to live as we once did so long ago on the snowy tundra!
    I feel you, man. Injustice makes me want to beat people up.
    Ai! laurië lantar lassi súrinen,
    yéni únótimë ve rámar aldaron!
    Yéni ve lintë yuldar avánier
    mi oromardi lisse-miruvóreva
    Andúnë pella, Vardo tellumar
    nu luini yassen tintilar i eleni
    ómaryo airetári-lírinen.

    Sí man i yulma nin enquantuva?

    An sí Tintallë Varda Oiolossëo
    ve fanyar máryat Elentári ortanë,
    ar ilyë tier undulávë lumbulë;
    ar sindanóriello caita mornië
    i falmalinnar imbë met, ar hísië
    untúpa Calaciryo míri oialë.
    Sí vanwa ná, Rómello vanwa, Valimar!

    Namárië! Nai hiruvalyë Valimar.
    Nai elyë hiruva. Namárië!
    - English:
    Ah! like gold fall the leaves in the wind,
    long years numberless as the wings of trees!
    The years have passed like swift draughts
    of the sweet mead in lofty halls beyond the West,
    beneath the blue vaults of Varda
    wherein the stars tremble in the song of her voice, holy and queenly.

    Who now shall refill the cup for me?

    For now the Kindler, Varda, the Queen of the Stars,
    from Mount Everwhite has uplifted her hands like clouds,
    and all paths are drowned deep in shadow;
    and out of a grey country darkness lies on the foaming waves between us,
    and mist covers the jewels of Calacirya for ever.
    Now lost, lost to those from the East is Valimar!

    Farewell! Maybe thou shalt find Valimar.
    Maybe even thou shalt find it. Farewell!
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