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  • when i'm caught doing or saying something embarrassing

    This bird told me to
    < ̄`ヽ、       / ̄>
     ゝ、  \ /⌒ヽ,ノ  /´
       ゝ、 `( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) /
         >     ,ノ
         ∠_,,,/´” CAW CAW CAW
    unfortunately some have misunderstood me when i spoke of undeath- true undeath. mentioning valid points the likes of which i had addressed but they unfortunately did not notice or perhaps even became lazy when reading it so they missed on certain complicated sentences and grammatical style. They brought up the fact that the damage of certain vital organs would lead to lack of blood-flow to the brain resulting in inevitable death, and they thought when i mentioned electromagnetic pulses that i mean't electrical pulses.

    There is a difference between Electromagnetic signals and basic electronic signals and i could spend 5 hours writing a 10 paragraph article on it or i can just explain what an Electromagnetic pulse is, an electromagnetic pulse (or EMP) is created when a particle, which is usually an electron, rapidly charges. We know that human beings and many, many other living creatures produce a constant series of electromagnetic pulses around their body in the form of a field, though scientist's are not sure why, we do know Tibetan monks use this to have a better sense of the world around them and some mediums know this as their third eye. furthermore, a book on Ninjitsu proves through years of training and meditation, one can use this to somehow manipulate other's minds, not mind control, but as close as it can get. Not only this, but i myself know that my signal is VERY strong and i even use it to shut down electronics and it causes PC's to bug out when i am near them! Each person resonates at their own unique electromagnetic signal, and thus, everyone's abilities are similar, but none are the same. People resonating at identical signals have been known to be able to communicate via thought, my mother had a friend in high school she could do this with.

    Somehow, though i do not have the technology or tools to learn why, Electromagnetic signals and pulses can be used to sustain the smaller pulses in your brain which is responsible for thought, and even change the way certain organs and blood vessels work. Though, coming back from the dead is extremely difficult and depending on how you died the results could be... disastrous, as evident from the outcast undead individuals which can be seen on certain videos dotted around the internet. If you die from ruptured Blood Vessels or from Bleeding out, Ruptured or damaged heart, Brain Damage, certain Brain Injuries, etc you will NOT be capable of rising. however, if you find yourself with vital organs such as your spleen, certain bits of your digestive tract, infection, or Neurological damage, you can find yourself alive again, but with some pretty nasty consequences.

    Infection = Permanent symptoms from whatever you died from.

    Spleen = a chain reaction causing you to be weak, you'll have damaged eyesight and many other sickly symptoms, and many more.

    Damaged Digestive tract = Unquenchable hunger as well as rapid dehydration leading to emaciation, brain damage, and your inevitable re-death which you will by no means return from.

    Neurological damage = Lack of feeling or no feeling at all, as well as mental illness, coupled with painful, blistering Gangrene, if you have many of these problems, you will certainly look as close to undead as possible, at least until you die again.

    Do not get me wrong, i'm not saying that using Electromagnetic pulses will give you a second chance at life, and it certainly won't help you in many situations of death most importantly death of old age, but if you have any "Unfinished Business" or things left unsaid to family or friends, then tips that you can read from my wall will certainly help you, but you need to get in a certain state of meditation moments before you die, because, well obviously even the bible says that there is no consciousness in the grave, so you can't will yourself to life if you are already dead now, can you? ultimately you will go in a state close to death for about a week to a month depending on how severe it is, awaken, and then days, weeks, months later. you will once again return to rest and from here, you will stay there.

    so enjoy life while you can folks because, even undeath doesn't last forever, you will die eventually, so laugh, love, and try to stay happy.

    anyways ya'all, i'm out... PEACE!
    Just bought a bunch of supplies to rebuild my Laptop so i'll be back to minecraft! and you bet i'll be working on that skyrim server! But now i'm out of money, i feel like i have been slacking off when it comes to cleaning the streets up a bit and i usually end up sleeping all night like a normal human being, xD i know, weird right? But it's coming into Blue Tongue Skink season, and the pregnant skinks will be out feeding and preparing to have children, and some juveniles will be out and about as well. The plus about all of this is that Blue Tongue Skink's are invasive in Florida so i don't need a permit to catch or sell them and they are some of the most popular reptiles as pets and also the most valuable, i'll be able to sell them for around 45-50 dollars each depending on the gender and color palette.

    for more info on them you can visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_blue-tongued_lizard

    leaving soon for the hunt! #Wishmeluck
    Study Abroad Programs: Revised

    So, study abroad programs, if you are reading this you have likely you have heard of them one way or another, either you are a teacher who had set this assignment up for school students to submit to you, or you are the sorry chap who made the unfortunate mistake of randomly browsing the internet for “interesting” things to read. Regardless, studying abroad seems to be creating a great deal of controversy, but the question remains… is studying abroad a Vacation, a field study, or something more? Let’s find out!

    If you are a good student in school, a high-school graduate, or a successful businessman, it could agreed that studying can be rather important, so, what could possibly be the root of all the debate among academic experts and bystanders alike? Many of the answers we search for lie within “The Bright Side of Studying Abroad” by Philip Jones. Within the article mentioned previously, the author claims that, studying abroad has its own ‘great’ advantages. From an academic standpoint, students can apparently study with scholars in academic fields and explore courses that have a chance of not being available at home. So, according to this, Studying abroad, in theory, can prove quite useful in the way of learning, but of course, this argument has probably been placed at your feet before, spoon feeding you this rhetoric as if you are a toddler. So instead, you should know from here that, learning about the culture based around the language of which you are learning can arguably be a tremendous advantage as, foreign experiences can make your résumé stand out from the crowd. As a student in a foreign country, you will be forced to, as the saying goes, “think on your feet” this means that your future employer can easily see you as a pioneer against other graduates; someone who’s not afraid to use and explore new methods and ideas. Speaking of which, an article on the QS top universities website includes an interview with Dee Roach, a manager for the Navitas Education Group. Roach advises that anyone who can state on their résumé that they studied abroad has a tremendous advantage when starting a career. She stated that the experience of studying in a foreign country “will prove to your potential employer that you have the ability to stand on your own two feet, that you can fit in when placed in different environments, that you are resourceful, and you have initiative” so, the benefits of studying abroad are very good ones- however, some can argue that those studying abroad will treat it more like a vacation and less like a field study.
    So, yes, studying abroad seems to be a huge advantage to those who actually take school seriously, but what happens when somebody simply wants to enjoy a “free” vacation? Well, fortunately for you, according to Debra Wu’s article titled “Don’t Call a Vacation ‘Studying’” studying abroad is meant to be a long vacation, within the article, Debra cited a source of her own; as she said, “Lilli Engle, president of the ‘American University Center of Provence, offers her opinion about student’s motivations for studying abroad in kathleen kingsbury's June 2013 article for the BBC’s website. ‘The primary motivator to study abroad now is not necessarily to lean out, but instead, to have a great adventure,” she says. “Study abroad programs are happy to oblige” however, the question can be asked, and rightly so, is it really JUST a vacation? Are students really learning from their time in hawaii swimming in the crystal clear waters and bathing in the rays of vitamin-rich sun? Well, according to a survey by the forum on Education Abroad, only 22% of study abroad programs check students’ statuses of actually acquiring skills in new languages. Although, Melissa Lee stated in a 2015 article on the Odyssey’s website that, “professors are extremely lenient, they understand that the real reason why student’s study in a foreign countries is for the cultural experience.”

    So it would seem that it is pretty undeniable that studying abroad is generally perceived as a vacation meant to study the culture around the language, rather than the language itself, however it may be argued that there are no benefits to this learning the culture and slangs around the language, which is understandable. However, think on this; how important is slang in the modern english language? How many times do you use slang? It can be imagined that slang can be as important to languages such as Spanish, Greek, and Maori. With this in mind, one can clearly see that learning the culture and the slang around it, is almost as, if not just as important as learning the language itself, especially if you wish to be a fluent translator or take part in a similar profession.
    So, believe what you want. All of this boils down to a matter of opinion, for some it can be more beneficial than others, most teachers and academic experts don’t seem to care either way, and the students themselves enjoy it. It doesn’t matter if it hurts your career, helps it, or does nothing. It is a fun cultural experience that you can do while still partaking in school and improving yourself academically, and perhaps even… as a person.
    again, i want to see this video however it is blocked, so i'm watching it via n external link
    Belief, is the most important aspect of your life. Belief, allows you to return from the dead (though i do not recommend it). Belief, allows you to change form in the eyes of others, teleport, vanish, attract smoke around you, be smoke, fly, influence others' thoughts, and even control people entirely. we were created, either by grand design in the form of an evolutionary domino effect, Genetic Manipulation, or straight up creation by a higher being, or all three... it does not matter. if you Believe, and i mean fully BELIEVE you can do these things, then i can PROMISE YOU! that you will do them.
    gotta' love how certain individuals who would seem of a certain degree of objective intelligence such as Flerbergerber seem to become cognitively dissonant towards my posts, by at a time liking and genuinely liking them, and then once i reveal unto them the more important aspects of true reality, they develop a certain degree of what they call "Skepticism" which is not truly thus, but only is an allusion to it. It is what some call skepticism, other, more accurately refer to it as "cognitive dissonance" and is a legitimate health disorder that many bear, and few are treated. i am unaware of any societal implementation involving applying administered treatment for it, however, so i am now going to visit an old friend known as electromagnetic pulses to attempt to see if through our biological capabilities, we can treat or even cure the event of someone experiencing cognitive dissonance.
    I am entirely unsure of how I feel about your shitposts
    lately i have been posting less shitpost's as you can see from my formatting, besides, it is completely normal for someone to become uneasy when they are resented with truth.
    bitches with their cognitive dissonance will refuse, deny, and reject us... but a revolution is coming and only we know the truth.
    Next time (or every time) you wish to disappear or escape, imagine yourself, what you really look like, disappear, every aspect of it has to be as realistic as a memory, perhaps you could even use a memory as a starting basis? focus on this thought of you being gone, third person, perhaps use a memory of you being in a mirror as a basis, imagine yourself being there but not being seen, then focus in on this thought, and release it around you or even direct it at a certain person, if it works... you will be gone in the eyes of those around you all the way until you stop focusing in on this thought. then you will appear again.

    These methods can be used to make yourself look however you want, you can look like a demon, a corpse, a monster, or your best friend. they can make you disappear for a second and then reappear in a different spot as you move, giving the illusion of you teleporting. You can make yourself look like you are flying, floating, transparent, invisible, or something completely different. mind you, these do not work on camera's, camera's will continue to make you look as you are, and it may not even work if you have vitamin deficiency, your dehydrated, don't work out, or suffer with lack of sleep.

    i have trouble doing these things, but to a degree, i still do them. you can do even better. Biologically, there is so much we do not know of ourselves, and our potential as a species, is infinite. if you want better focus, listen to classical music, this emits certain electromagnetic frequencies that allow better focus of the mind, allowing for better performance on the field.

    -i'm out.
    with new evidence and findings, instead of fearing these poor people, they now make me sad, they came back from an otherwise peaceful existence and became monstrosities forced to live in solitary as what are essentially Hobo's due to their unfortunate state of being.
    Call me crazy, delusional, or schizophrenic... but my unique religious beliefs lead me to believe these apparent videos of "The Rake" or similar... at least the genuine ones... are actually videos of Revenant's, or Draugr (or Draugor/Drauger) which, of course, are undead beings usually having a strong enough will to stay alive, but unfortunately much of them is obviously dead. Probably because of damage to certain organs being the cause of initial death, or simply having enough will to live on in one way or another, but not enough will to live as you were before, rotting or having extreme hunger, leading to emaciation.

    Various studies i have conducted in/on old graveyards, crypts, the woods surrounding them and ancient folklore/legend has given me important insights on the true nature of life & death, the electrical impulses which lead to conscious thought, and the currents that flow through and around you that give you a true sense of life around you. It is what some may call the third eye, but scientifically... 'tis mere electrical pulses and/or electromagnetic pulses. All of which are unique to the person, and thus returning from the dead is a rare phenomenon that unfortunately is not an exact science, and as a result, each case is unique to itself, categories can only be lossely generalized but one thing very common among stories and potential subjects is that hatred is usually the source of the (what i call) Electromagnetic Will that involves the returning from the dead, and thus infinitely continues after returning, leaving undead subjects exponentially dangerous, and they should usually be avoided at all costs.

    The breakdown of muscles is common as is neurological strands being broken or decayed, this can also involve the brain itself at times, leaving some subjects not only in an constant state of rage, but also extremely mentally disturbed, causing them to scribble or scratch demented phrases and drawings within their living spaces, afterwards being mistaken for graffiti. sometimes subjects are so well preserved and untouched by death, however, that you can by no means tell them apart from normal human beings, leaving them loosely catagorized as "Grand Revenant's" though there are some cases of them having "superhuman strength" and even being completely numb to pain, this, giving you are very good indication of someone being a Grand Revenant.
    I was having a general conversation about racial slurs in modern pop-culture & how they were used and this black bitch behind me overheard it and started beating on me from behind the seat, meanwhile i'm over here just singing about her beating on me because saying she hits like a girl would be a compliment... she hits like a 1 year old. but, i digress... so i'm over here just singing about her fist's being water balloons and all of a sudden i hear the buss driver yell "okay, i am tired of your racism and bigotry you little shithead! go to the office tomorrow!" okay, first of all there's no school tomorrow (which is today as of me posting this) or the next day, or even on Monday... so this bitch is severely mentally challenged, anyways, i ignore this and reply "ooooh yeeeah! of course I'M THE ONE being racist! of course! no, i'm not being sarcastic, me? sarcastic? nooooo.... oh, i would never!" she continues to yell at me while this bitch behind me is punching me with her water balloon hands so i just continue "but since you want bring this to the office, i would be happy to talk to YOUR supervisor, see, since you are so ignorant to whats REALLY going on and so biased against me, and openly so, even admitting this to my father. i can tell the office all about how you drive super slow until getting right up to my house where you SLAM floor the gas pedal, and i can talk to your supervisor how you openly admit to being biased against me, furthermore if you want to talk about this incident here, i can tell them about how we are having this conversation while a girl is hitting me in the back of the head with you doing absolutely NOTHING about it, in fact i can tell them about how you are basically advocating it, and telling her that she is giving me 'what i deserve' at which case i am sure the superintendent will GLADLY have you fucking fired! so you get all that Miss Saggy Tits?" by this time, i am at my stop. and things continue on as normal, i sit down... pull off my shoes and leather coat. then, i continue to call the school district. i call her supervisor, tell him all about her biased ignorance, then i sit down to find out in the midst of all this she managed to break half my Chromebook screen. SCHOOL ISSUE. and then... my neighbors knock on my door. my neighbors sit here and complain to me, how i swore in front of their children. first of all, i only swore AFTER the teacher called me a "little shithead" and second of all, i did no harm, anyone older than 4 knows these swear words in this day & age and any parent that doesn't think so is fucking retarded as well. so, on Tuesday, i will MAKE SURE, i have a new buss driver, and i will make even further sure, that this retards parents, or the retard herself, pays for my school-issue Chromebook, i will have this story posted on the news as well. local paper, national, international, it doesn't matter to me. i love this stuff, with one mishap, one mistake, this buss-driver will basically lose her life, to me! just a 16 year old! goodbye, Miss Saggy Tits.
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