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  • a little girl noticed my demeanor towards the lost souls of the weak, she said, and simply as possible, "your mean! this is why you have no friends!"

    i would like to address that this way of thinking is a very flawed one, firstly, to assume that someone has no friends is to assume your own ignorance. it is important to remember that people such as i will take this as a sign of weakness, and address you as the image you have presented to them, other megelomaniatic sociopaths like me might not be so kind, as to simply make a post regarding you on the internet. instead, try researching your information before acting, as the famous Sherlock Holmes would say, "do your research!"

    Secondly, you do not get the privilege or "right" to receive any kindness from me, for when i am kind to you, i care, even if only slightly, as for those who i do not care about, they must first earn my trust, only then will they begin to receive even the slightest amount of kindness from me. do you want me to be kind to you? yes? then start displaying such to me in a manner that does not annoy, or vex me.

    third, what on gods soiled earth ails you to feel the need to judge me? have you gone mad? i will do as i please, when i please... so my thinnest apologies if i burned the little butterscotch forest you used to live in to the ground,

    that's my Candycorn of Truth, to you and for you.
    I am Decay The Witherer; Head master of the Black Rose Dynasty and commander of the wolfbite subdivision, i am the inhibitor of the nether and the destroyer of worlds. i am the flower in a field. i am the sword, and the shield. i am the shadow revered. i am the creator and destroyer, the alpha and the omega, the living and the dead. all who question my magnificence and despair suffer my eternal wrath.

    i am simultaneously malevolent and benevolent

    with me there is life

    with me there is death

    with me there is existence

    i am the shelter, in the storm.
    I hope this is the right size.
    i wont be on blaze pvp for a while because of... technical difficulties... anyways, just... can some helper get on to make sure no-one else comes on disrespecting titanium? thanks

    anyways, i have to go for a while... again.
    i recently got into another epic battle at school a few days ago... and, considering that the guy i got in a fight with was the best football player on the whole school team... i'd say i kicked his ass pretty good, perhaps he and i will get to Finnish our quarrel when i get back into school on Wednesday... >

    like this post if you think i should Finnish what he started
    I will like it but just don't get hurt! Be carful!
    will do
    am i the only creature that lives ONLY in the nether?
    Emperor Lord Pez Man
    That looks sooo cool!
    tysm, thank Holocaust(previously chaos) and conquest!
    hey guys... the Apocalypse is coming due to the inescapable stock-market crash. anyone else ready for an apocalypse? is it just me? i hope not, 'cause i am ready to rumble boy, i'll run this state.
    1 felix
    2 Ken
    3 jack

    there are three youtubers
    all three are extremely popular

    what rhymes /w popular?

    well binoculars does!

    what do binoculars do, they enable us to see very far away!

    meaning the illuminati wants us to make very far off conclusions about who the are

    you look through binocular's with what?

    your eyes.

    what is in the center of the Illuminati triangle?

    AN EYE

    how many looking holes do binoculars have?


    how many eyes does everyone have?


    what is 2 + 2


    how many sides does a triangle have?


    what is 3 times 4?


    what is 12 divided by 2


    what are three things that have three sides?


    this youtube collab

    and the illuminati triangle

    the entire world is...

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