a little girl noticed my demeanor towards the lost souls of the weak, she said, and simply as possible, "your mean! this is why you have no friends!"
i would like to address that this way of thinking is a very flawed one, firstly, to assume that someone has no friends is to assume your own ignorance. it is important to remember that people such as i will take this as a sign of weakness, and address you as the image you have presented to them, other megelomaniatic sociopaths like me might not be so kind, as to simply make a post regarding you on the internet. instead, try researching your information before acting, as the famous Sherlock Holmes would say, "do your research!"
Secondly, you do not get the privilege or "right" to receive any kindness from me, for when i am kind to you, i care, even if only slightly, as for those who i do not care about, they must first earn my trust, only then will they begin to receive even the slightest amount of kindness from me. do you want me to be kind to you? yes? then start displaying such to me in a manner that does not annoy, or vex me.
third, what on gods soiled earth ails you to feel the need to judge me? have you gone mad? i will do as i please, when i please... so my thinnest apologies if i burned the little butterscotch forest you used to live in to the ground,
that's my Candycorn of Truth, to you and for you.