one day robber broke into a poor mans house, no mask, just a leather jacket, with a bow and arrow, a young boy, around 15 or so... came out of his room, "why do you rob those who have nothing to rob?" asked the boy. "Because you have valuables... things that i need" said the robber in a gruff tone. he then raises his bow, draws back the cord, and releases, the boy. being an expert archer knew exactly how to move to grab the arrow, without getting himself hurt, reacting quickly he plucks the arrow from the air "such a futile weapon, thief" the boy continues "do you want to know why i do not fear you?" the robber replied with an arrogant tone "why would i? your dieing soon anyways"
the boy replied again "do you think your going to kill me." he continues "i do not fear you because i do not feel at all" he pauses "i don't get jealus, sad, envious, scared, or remorseful. but you know what i do feel?" the robber fires another arrow, stepping closer to the strange, young child. the boy continues "anger, rage, hate" and right not. you are aggravating me." the robber has grown tired of this child and runs after him full forced with a dagger, in his hand. the young boy, fearless, and enraged, grabs a broom, beats the foolish thief down and snaps his neck. only to replace the doorknob, and go back to sleep.
the child was me, and the foolish thief, was well.... a foolish thief.