ah yes, yet another person that i am now obligated to hate.
i'll put my hate boner for him right next to my hate boner for climate change deniers, rabid climate change alarmists, vegans who feed their pets a vegan diet, the radical left, the radical right, libertarians, the whole of Russia, Germany, Romania, China, Nigeria, and Mexico, white supremacists, black supremacists, flat earth conspiracy theorists, young earth creationists, bible-thumping retards, rabid anti-religious atheists, Muslims, domestic and foreign terrorists, gang-bangers, people who falsely claim abortion is murder due to their religious bias, and people who romanticize deplorable criminals or criminal acts.
...OH! and members of law enforcement who deny responsibility for the actions of their fellow officers despite the fact most officers who have committed absolute atrocities did so under the protection and defense of their fellow officers, democrat-packed supreme-court justices, and idiot sheeple who dont know any better.