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  • when im bored i hop on this website to say edgy shit since it's the only place nobody will actually care.

    now come and guzzle on my meatshaft you stupid fat piece of shit.
    >imagine unironically still using the word "edgy" like it's an insult or something in any year other than 2016.

    get with the times, love, most people use the word "toxic" now. :PP
    checked back on this blight upon the human race we call enjin to find out i was roasted by an ex e-girlfriend and her lil sister. yikes. why are you still here?
    ey. cunts. what the fuck did i say? you're all dismissed. why are you still here?
    And Reyna, you're still here, too. what's your excuse?
    I dunno dawg, sometimes I get bored. I got out of my edgy 16yo phase a while ago tho, for you it seems like the only thing that’s changed is you don’t blow up at people for mentioning something slightly related to your dead grandma now.
    ;p what? nobody has even spoken about my dead grandma to me? which drug are you on this time bbgirl? LSD?
    im realizing now that back in 2018 i drove several people off this website because they got so offended and upset, but i never knew because they blocked me beforehand. which is kinda funny but kinda sad at the same time. i hope you sensitive little fucks are doing okay out there... wherever you are.

    alright the rest of you can leave now, i officially declare this website dead.
    Well that's what drove me to your wall I wanted to see who scared them
    at the end of that day, im not very scary, but some people are just so pathetic and sad that they see red flags wherever they go.
    this is the biggest embarrassment of the democratic party and the liberal media in all of history.
    I guess the leaders of the Arab gulf will have a new butt to lick
    Biden LOST! here's why:

    1- president elect donald trump's case ISNT VOTER FRAUD. this is what the media wont tell you. his case is that the governor of Pennsylvania wanted to accept any ballet that came in as valid, and count the vote, regardless of signatures or who it is from. he was initially turned down, but then he took it to the state Supreme Court and they approved it. The state supreme court doesnt determine how votes are counted, only the constitution does that, meanwhile every vote counted after the election was over in Pennsylvania was an ILLEGAL vote, and when thrown before the supreme court it'll be tossed out as such. This means that trump rightfully got the vote in Pennsylvania, which means that BIDEN LOST.

    2- the media doesnt decide who won the presidency, and word has it that the elecotoral college is irritated that biden is already celebrating his supposed victory before the votes have been called. THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE IS WHAT MATTERS. come december, the electoral college will determine that donald trump is the rightful and legal winner of the election, and we'll be subjected to another 4 years of whiny little college students crying "NOT MY PRESIDENT!"

    when are we gonna finally put our feet down and stop the fucking media from spreading fake news? i realize that freedom of speech is always going to be an issue, but since when did "Freedom of speech" mean, "freedom to spread widespread hysteria and lie to the american people about a presidential election"?
    King Crash
    The biggest problem I see now though is how much more of a divide this election will inevitably cause for the American people. If Trump loses, then everyone concerned about fraud will feel cheated, rightly so... if Trump wins, everyone who doesnt will view it as a fascist dictator holding onto power
    this is exactly what the media wants, they WANT to incite riots. if i where a prosecutor, i could easily prosecute all the mainstream media for perpetrating a harmful lie which did irreparable damage to property and life as a result of the panic that they caused. well, i mean, depending on what comes next February.
    Trump will likely have to resort to invoking the Insurrection Act, and so the fake news media may have their assets seized. Can you imagine how great it would be to see cable news get their asses shut down and/or co-opted by the Trump administration? If there are no other possible paths to victory left open, then I, for one, welcome such an outcome. 2020 sure has been wild 'n wacky year, but I think 2021 will start out with a loud bang. Hang in there. Keep your head up. I have a feeling shit's about to get ugly not long after Christmas. Just sit back and enjoy the show!
    guys, lemme hop on my soap box real quick, there's no need to argue in my replies, i know you think trump is bad (he is) or fantastic (he isnt) but at least he's honest. he's a bit dumb and dull, and he's got skeletons in his closet, but it's not like he's trying to hide any of it. his taxes are open to read, he doesnt try to bury his more embarrassing interviews, he was forced to cooperate with the mob back when they ran new york, but all of that is public information you can find with a quick google search,

    meanwhile, joe biden, the biggest fucking snake in the grass, has been since even before he became vice president to Barack, (our previous failure). not to mention he's just a puppet working for the larger interest of the democratic party and their financial backers.

    it all boils down to this, folks, would you rather vote in an idiot and know what kinda damage he may or may not be doing, or would you vote in a man who would systematically destroy this country at it's foundation, crumble it at it's seams, and rebuild it from the ground up in a 100% worse way than the US ever would have become or ever has been, without you ever knowing a god damn thing?

    the man says all this horrible shit, he shows his entire deck of cards, only to backpedal every time he's called out on it. whenever an embarrassing hiccup from his past comes up, he shouts "you're lying! you're a liar! s-shut up please, man!" and will try to gaslight you.

    in the famous words of Mr. Fool Trump himself, "SAD!"
    If it was someone better than Biden running against Trump who you support him?
    depends on how much better. i would love to have seen someone better than biden running against trump, but thanks to the broken as fuck two-party system our choices are limited to the point where we basically dont even have a choice anymore. you only get to pick one crazy or the other.
    ah yes, yet another person that i am now obligated to hate.
    i'll put my hate boner for him right next to my hate boner for climate change deniers, rabid climate change alarmists, vegans who feed their pets a vegan diet, the radical left, the radical right, libertarians, the whole of Russia, Germany, Romania, China, Nigeria, and Mexico, white supremacists, black supremacists, flat earth conspiracy theorists, young earth creationists, bible-thumping retards, rabid anti-religious atheists, Muslims, domestic and foreign terrorists, gang-bangers, people who falsely claim abortion is murder due to their religious bias, and people who romanticize deplorable criminals or criminal acts.

    ...OH! and members of law enforcement who deny responsibility for the actions of their fellow officers despite the fact most officers who have committed absolute atrocities did so under the protection and defense of their fellow officers, democrat-packed supreme-court justices, and idiot sheeple who dont know any better.
    this site isnt dead until i say it's fucking dead god damnit
    Atomic Bomb
    Atomic Bomb
    Nobody has replied to or liked your posts other than me in the past two weeks it’s dead. You’re ranting to yourself.
    not until i say it is.
    Humans: Most dangerous creature to ever evolve on our planet, have made entire species go extinct in relatively short timespans, kill members of our own species without a second thought, sometimes on mass scales, hang out and play with some of the other apex species of the planet, have created our own species of apex predators, collect insects and reptiles and fish in tiny glass containers, pollute our own environment, and are in possession of weapons capable of destroying planets (nukes)

    Also humans: wHy AlIeNs nO ViSiT uS?

    Aliens: uhhhhh....


    Aliens, Again: *Slowly backing out of the atmosphere*
    In america, i'd wager at least 40% of people in prison did not commit the crimes they are accused of, from my experience with police incompetency.

    if you're a genius criminal in america (they're not as uncommon as you'd think) you wont go to prison for anything, ever, unless of course you really, really really fuck up and forget who you are for a second while commiting whatever crime does your fancy.

    police in the US are more concerned with manufacturing criminals and enacting crude, vigilante-style revenge, than actually FINDING existing criminals and enacted Fair, Blind, Unbiased Justice.

    in the US, the police dont enforce the law, they ARE the law.
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