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  • G
    They got raided by Russians lmao
    they ain't send me shit they just leaked my name (which was already known :/) so I guess that's a ddos? or a dox? I dunno tbh
    it's not a dox, you cannot "leak" someones public info, everyone knew his name so it wasn't a dox, it was just him being a parrot
    i'm sorry Le End but i couldn't help myself
    dark this is for you
    now i'm realizing that i got his quote wrong but the gist is the same lol.
    His quote is a slightly edited copypasta he's not trying to sound smart at all.
    not in that post, but i'm talking about in other posts xD.
    this nigga seem's legit mad, oh i'm sorry, did i hurt yo feewings? maybe you should have thought of that before you started talking shit you inbred lookin' ass motherfucker. we could have gotten along and avoided this shit if you had just not been a complete dick.

    furthermore, how many "naughty words" you know? i count 5, and it seems this post is throwing all you got at me.

    nigga says i'm endercunt 2.0 but this man seems better qualified to fit that bill.
    Emperor Lord Pez Man
    Wtf, that doesn't even make sense. Just because you use like 10 billion curse words in 1 sentence doesn't mean it has better meaning.
    i'm just waiting for fucksquad to post some shit, i am, 'cuz i got some PM's that are pretty juicy.
    Six Weeks
    :new_moon_with_face::new_moon_with_face::new_moon_with_face: Oof.
    lol! he can't even think of anything to say lol! the most he can say is "go suck the fattest of dicks" like i haven't heard that before... i think he bit off a lil more than he could chew on this one, lmao, not like it's hard to actually roast me, he just couldn't think of anything... quite the genius here.
    Don't let this distract you from the fact that if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may be entitled to financial compensation.
    Ain't he the autistic cunt who tried doxing me?
    he might be, he's also the autistic cunt who tried to DDOS me i think lol.
    I'll let the Soviets handle this one
    "i'm from the worlds top 1%"

    You illiterate piece of uneducated shit I don't know how someone as worthless and pathetic as you has the mind capacity to comment something with the grammar of a 7 year old and still have the nerve to reply to me as an equal being. I'll also like to let you know that I'm from the world's top 1% and know alot more than you, like how I know that the Pythagorean theorem is a waste of time. You also need to re-establish your brain waves because as I'm writing this comment, just thinking of you is giving me aids, cancer, HIV, autism, and a boner for dogs. You also should reconsider the amount of time you have left in this world because you literally only should be alive for 10 minutes and just the fact that you were able to learn how to use the internet in your life-span is pathetic and unheard of.
    dark this looks like copy-pasta, if it isn't its gunna be now!!! you just fucked yourself over so bad dude you don't even know how stupid you sound, i relish this moment! it's copy-pasta, what? couldn't think of a comeback?
    insert spoopy to fit in!11 (11980076) so you're spammed by the Enjin Mafia and then after all their trolling you ask them if they're trying to be intimidating and I'M the retarded one? no, NIGGER, i wasn't implying anything about your name, it was a clear joke, you wanna bring up retardation? fine, to start with we can go back to the enjin mafia, you asked them if they were doing it to sound intimidating, but it's obvious that they were just doing it to spam you, to be "funny" which, obviously wasn't but that's beside the point, their intent is what matters. now lets move on to my next point, you call me "endercunt 2.0" and yet your main character is currently called "EnderMan5"??? seriously? 1.) you didn't have to fucking add the capital M and why 5? what, is that your age? i'd believe it, you constantly talk about how you "don't even know why you talk to retarded skids" such as me and yet somehow I'M the overconfident one? okay, mr. so smart how about you stop bragging about how intelligent you are and start showing it! please, show us your superior intelligence! Cotard (8298503) will back me up on this, sure your grammar is better than a lot of people's grammar on the internet, but you constantly brag about how smart you are while doing it, my grammar is half-decent, too, that doesn't make me a fucking genius ! and i sure as hell don't brag about how smart i am. why don't you do something REALLY smart and just block me, that would be the real smart thing to do, is block me, and it would probably be the most mature thing you'd ever do, because this whole thing seems to have gotten you angry seeing by the amount of posts you made on me, what? forgot how to click the "edit" button? pathetic little shit.
    [user]11980076[/user] enjin is being a little bitch and refuses to let me tag you so i'm doing it in the comment section!1111!11!11 hahaha
    dark how about you unlock your comment sections you nigger?

    or better yet, post an irl of yourself.

    oh? there was clearly a joke there? please elaborate on how "clear" of a joke that was?

    i'm starting to see why you're the biggest joke on enjin...
    quality conversation :ok_hand:
    go ahead and do it! lmao twin :ok_hand:
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