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  • Name (First and Last)
    Cornelius von Hellkrieg
    Weapon of Choice (No heirlooms or Mythical Weapons please)
    Cornelius von Hellkrieg was born in the wealthy Hellkrieg family, which while it gained its manor through marriage and war, were must known for their skill in creating and staining glass. if it was made of glass you could expect them to have made 100 of them before. From a young age you was taught the arts of glasswork and found it his love spending weeks working with his parents in their workshop. He also spend hours in the library of glass, the first and only library consisting entirely of glass including the books, which contained all of the hellkrieg family's ancient glass smithing secrets. When he was 18 he left to make his own glass shop, waving his loving parents behind.

    Cornelius then opened a glass shop on 70 on avalon competing with two other glass shops working harder and harder to get an edge on the competition. Cornelius traveled to far off lands, the glass pyramids of mesopotamia to the stained temples of gilgamesh, studying glass learning many different ways to practice the art. When Cornelius heard of the new land and how it was full of high quality sand but lacked glass or a glass smith he went to the first blackfire ship he could find imagining a future of sand and glass.
    Skills, please put how well you perform the skill as well
    glass smith adept
    everything else
    eccentric and known to not eat when working on a project has a profound love of glass and all glass associated objects
    glass breaking paladins
    Name: Valen Seregon Ediron
    Race: human
    backstory: Valen was born in a humble tent with a loving mother and father however the land where he was born Arpenia was a cursed land and barely a year old demons and killed his mother and forced his father on a run to save his child. His father made it to the original city of cair andros she an arrow peirceing his fathers heart killed him after his father handed him to lucolas faelenwood. From then on Valen had a blessed life living in the village of archenhall and learning from the best of all races. while valen failed at most of the things he was tought he found his love smithing. Valen started smithing which became a much needed skill for helping the soldiers facing off the demons.

    When Valen Was 21 the demon attacks came as harder then ever heard of before and mixed some fighting with his smithing. Tensions ran high as demon raids as long as the mounting war between the two main kingdoms started to rise. A large attack as well as the leading war helped Valen come up with a idea.
    A weapon from the heavens would be needed to smite the demons from this world.

    Valen travled Arpenia looking for the peices to make the sword needed to save the land. Amoung his travels he came across a tent in the middle of a field. He went inside and looked at the name of the owner of the tent. and thus he saw that it was his father who had once owned this tent before he died. Valen searched the tent for any remnant of his past and came across a hidden note. The note was from his father telling him about his mother Khalisee Ediron Brother to Zander Baelish ex king of the Ediron empire.
    With this knowledge Valen sent off on a new search when suddenly the land ripped apart with a large explosion and blaze of lava. Due to sheer luck Valen was launched into a boat, whos owner was killed by demons, which also launched into the ocean. Valen did not get unscratched though for a rock hit him on his head leaving him four thoughts. Ediron, Smithing, His hatred of demons, And his quest for the ultimate weapon.

    weapon of choice: dual sickles

    Appearance: clothed in a dark robe with dual sickles on his back

    skills: smithing, Strength

    Unskills: bows horses

    Job: head smith

    Open responce questions

    1: the man on the floor was crying for help and reached a hand out to me. "What are you looking at?" asked the thug. "please help me." groaned the old man. I turn to the thug and surpising him with my deep voice say "Nothing, please continue with your business." And as i walk away I smile as i hear the thug cry from the knife i snuck to the old man.

    2. As I walk into the Market my stomach grumbles surprising me. I slowly walk around eyeimng the stalls until i find the bread stall. " Hello Sir how much is a loaf of bread." The stall owner eyes me suspicously because of my robe and says "that be 10 crowns" I quickly Counter saying "five crowns" The stall owner surprised quickly replys "ten crowns i dont make the prices" my voice turns threatening and i say " five crowns" Frightened the stall owner complies as i walk away eating a loaf of bread.

    3. I turn and look at my fallen comrads as anger fills me "quick cut down the trees" I yell at my brothers in arms as the enemy troops come near. The trees come down in a crash surprising the enemy as me and my men hide in the fallen leafs until the enemy walk near where we jump out surprising the enemy and cutting through the chinks of their armor and pulling them into the brush talking off their armor and claiming it as their own.
    Name: Amras Seregon
    age: 20
    race: homo sapien
    Backstory: Amras was the son of a local smithy when one day, when he was 14, a earthquake destroyed his village and he was trapped under debris for 6 days. not knowing if he was alive his family and the rest of the village left to find a new home. After he managed to move himself out from under a piece of rubble. He grabbed a few items left in the rubble some food, a hammer, a mysterious golden ring studded with onyx that he found in the rubble. Amras gathered his things and set off. Only to fall down a hole unearthed in the earthquake. With no other option he followed the tunnel eating mushrooms and other small animals in the tunnel. Eventually he reached a large cavern. there he found a old dwarf named Roloth. Roloth adopted him and taught him all the dwarf secrets of smithing and mining. At age 18 Roloth died but before he did he told Amras of the dwarf fortress he was born in.
    After that Amras continued down the tunnels searching for a place to call home.

    skills:a highly skilled blacksmith from learning human and dwarf smithing techniques
    a decent miner has a weakened version of the dwarfs ability to find valuable minerals
    has adapted to see better in darkness from his time in tunnels

    unskills: has no knowledge of aboveworld plants
    cannot use a bow
    blinded and burned by bright sunlight over time
    cannot hunt wild animals except those found in caves

    likes: a strong cave/stonehouse, mead, minerals, and good steel

    dislikes: above landers (people who live on the ground) the above world, sunlight, wooden houses.

    Fears: earthquakes and water
    Name: Amros Seregon

    Race: Human

    Story: Amros was a simple blacksmiths son living in the mountains who also did some work on the farm
    On his 16 birthday the mysterious nomad appeared at the town and Amros's father sent him to be the Nomads Apprentice
    Amros journeyed with the nomad for 2 years though it was learned he had very little to no magical skill only being able to spark fires and occasionally push the air (Though this would tire him out for a few days) One
    day in the mountains of Eraz Nor The nomad went to scout the next camping spot but when he came back he found his apprentice missing with only a orcish obsidian dagger where he last saw the apprentice.
    The nomad gathered his stuff and continued on and that was the last people heard of Amros sere*the rest of the page is burnt*

    Skills: practiced in blacksmithing from a young age and farmed for food
    mediocre magic skill

    Drawbacks: hasn't learned how to handle a weapon and magic tires him out
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