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  • nice mythic dawn website, wish i could forgive them
    Well, It was made a long time ago back when we were a RP server. Used the be my Faction's website. When RP releases I'll be using it again.
    That's it.
    Last time I've seen a Harry Potter movie must be 6 years ago. But I spent last week watching all 8 movies. And I'm absolutely addicted. I'm all of a sudden a massive fan! Haha, never thought of that. *Fanboying* Just ordered all 7 books hard case and English. If you're wondering where I am, I'm reading.
    I feel the same as I felt when I was about to read LoTR for the first time! Whooooo!
    ooh. Harry potter. What you should do is read all the books twice, first in hardcover, then in paperback, so you can say you read every book and every version lol.
    eager to see me enjoying myself while playing with mortals in the elder scrolls online? I am, I AM!!! why did i scream?
    Haskill, I found you! here is your strawberry torte -----------
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    Why do you hate Farmer. Him and Iwasntnumber4 are the two best mods (No offense to the others).
    Yes, I agree with you. They do their jobs well and are very helpful.
    Hey farmer! Sup?
    Nothing really, just playing some games and desperately waiting for Elderscrolls Online to release. Business as usual really :p
    I have to admit, never before in my life have I cried watching a movie.
    Yet now, that I've just watched 'Saving Private Ryan' I can no longer say that.
    I don't think I ever cried as much as I did now. After watching a movie that describes the brutality that was World War II, I must thank the United states of America and Canada, as without them, we would not be able to enjoy the freedom we have today.

    I'm actually writing this with shaking hands. Most people today forgot about what happened 70 years ago. But even though no one in my familly died or fought in world war II, I think next WWII Memorial day, I'll get a train ticket to the national WWII Memorial to pay my respects.
    Some of my family members fought in wwII, and I agree with you. We were lucky to have a great military to help keep us free. We are all lucky for that.
    So... I want to share something here, regarding Homosexuality. The way Zoey brings her subs her sexuality is something the world has much to learn from.

    Thank you Zoey, you're awesome.
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