Goalies going to be off for a few days because people are real ass holes, I'm off to play with whenwas (or try)
Whats with your skin?
Aloha douche schnozzle, I would like to finance your building of the arena >.> so make some space on your rp schedule, there will be a free regen II "wine" potion in it for you!
Is that a? No... it cant be... wait.. it is!!! Its a ball headed strait for the goal! who will save it! Who will stop them from scoreing! WHO I SAY? WHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Wait... something is coming from the mists... its incredible! its amazing! its.....Superm-...Goalie!!!!!!!!!!!
(This sums up what my weekend was like. see if you can figure out how. hint: Sports were not involved)
Pandora the new Abridell is here bro. Come on it. Am a mod and so is Juice. You will be too just get on. Am also a King of the Humans. Juice is a captain. Come on it. Its fun as hell! also my your app on http://pandorakrp.tk/