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  • bye magi good we had u as a mod we will miss you you were significant to the server :( bye from a french player au revoir!
    Magi I will miss you dearly. Good luck my friend. You are one one of my closest friends on the server and will always be a close friend.
    April 1st: Server Join date
    October 5th: Chatmod
    November 11th: Chatmod+
    November 20th: Mod
    February 26th: Resignation
    Future: ????
    On a serious note, really sad to see you go! :'( I hope in that whatever you take on in life, you are successful and fulfilled :)
    :'c D: :( I hope I see you around. I remember the days I joined, you were still a chatmod back then
    Oh nvm.
    Please only leave if you feel you must. We wuv u
    Mag swims in a pool all day while he catches hackers. When Freek and Weak come on, the pool water becomes sweat. Then the pool overflows and the sea level increases by 1 mile.
    Mag you cheatin' on someone with Nag?
    Played an actual hacker in spleef and beat him flawlessely, he called me pro. Played another dude on spleef and he called me a hacker, how ironic.
    mind, beating a hacker with hacks yourself might account for the flawless victory, so perhaps the other dude is actually right?
    After seeing Weakk 's argument, I have been convinced of things. Firstly, players that worked for improving kdr should be allowed to experience that merit. Secondly, while the idea of only benefiting sounds nice, this promotes more suicide charges than necessary and completely destroys level headed tactical thinking in battle outside of the initial siege. Finally, by simply staying with the "only deaths on hommet dont count" idea, you knock out both problems fair and simple. In fact it can be so once the initial first flag of defense is capped, deaths are reinstituted. Thoughts?
    Trebeil [aka a1l]
    exactly, you just run away and you don't die (common sense) why do people complain about kdr if they throw themselves into their own doom
    Sithern more than earned a forum punishment but I held off.
    I love it when a stubborn spleefer refuses to reset the arena and hes one win away from winning the game but you beat him 3 times over and clinch the victory.
    Update on song status: plan on being more professional, gonna buy a microphone.
    Finish it Magi! Ignore my asshole comments! BTW sorry, didn't mean to hurt your feelings...
    Don't let others' opinions and "criticism" strike you too hard. It was brave of you to do this in the first place. Incidentally, you got to be braver than anyone else here on Conwy who likes singing, because you dared to show your work and was proud of it – and should continue to be.

    I'm personally not a huge fan of rap music so I cannot tell whether the song in itself was good or bad, but once again, what counts is your effort, not what people on the internet says to degrade you.
    I enjoyed listening to the music, it's not my taste of music and it's not very good. But you're probably aware of that already. It was fun to listen to and I looked forward to seeing the end result. I hope you don't cancel the project, I hope you finish it! Don't let yourself get controlled by whoever wants to control you, a fish must swim in the sea of many dwell creatures. The forums are the same, stay out of dangerous water! As far as I know, no one has made a song cover regarding Conwy, and it's really cool that you do it. Even if you finish it or not, keep in mind that I was entertained and I think you did a good job by even starting, because it's really scary to do things like that! Props to you!
    I have to commend Sithern and fr15827 for working so hard on their roast.
    Trolls and basement dwellers feed on your emotions, and what reaction that comes with it, especially if you respond poorly at the bait.
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