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  • second screenie, I agreed to a restart that never occurred because im nice :3
    Hmmm Who is murr gut a alt of?
    I consulted the oracle of Troy and it prophesied that this would occur with Abrakhan
    thing is, we have so many really confined maps. The city is actually pretty confined but the outside is not. It suits both preferences
    We were giving this guy advice on which class to buy for like 10 minutes, and then crazybull bans him for aimbot at the funniest moment xD We were just like ummmm okie, akward. Just read the chat in the screenshot its hilarious.
    he might xD
    You have a crush on Ashley?
    Right ;)
    I recently started using Creativeone's medieval 64X HD resource pack. If your computer can handle it I recommend it 10/10 everything looks so real, and the sounds are so much better. ignore anything about needing mcpatcher you dont need it. It will make your game not respond for about 20 seconds when you select it because its so hd, but its so worth it

    http://www.minecraftdl.com/medieval-texture-pack/ this is the link to the description of it


    this is the download link TRY IT ITS AWESOME!!!!! It even has phases of the moon!!!!
    It is Modern & Traditional though so HA
    Soz for putting you guys in a tough situation... Didn't really think it through:/.
    Me after I unfriend a random server owner who posts like 7 times a day. "Ive got 99 friends but you wont be one, like what"
    Played a ton of turf wars and a couple of other games today with Doggy, maia, alphaman, and tuna. We have to do this more often it was hilarious. (not to mention most people on mineplex have no idea how to tactically fight another archer xD)
    This is Illuminati stuff right here boys n ladies mattmatt296 is 296 on the toplist. THE STARS HAVE ALIGNED
    :O Oh ma gawd!![emogif]surprise:3[/emogif]
    CONFIRMED!!!! My friend is soon going to get me perm Engineer! Also, sneak peak on the nether map, cannons are a big part of it Thank you to everyone who gave me advice on what to buy between cavalry and engineer, especially Chrizz and Prothas :3 I really think I am going to enjoy my new class and rank when my friend gets it. It will probably be an early b-day present from him as well
    After talking with some people online, and thinking about the topic myself, I am going to take advantage that this is the only time for a long time that I will be able to get a diamond class. The gold classes are not that hard to save a bit to buy.

    This means that I am deciding for good between

    Engineer (perm) and Cavalry(perm)
    You can even place some traps then switch classes.
    Ok guys I have a decision to make, and I frankly cant decide without the help of you guys. For my birthday I can get either two gold classes, OR one diamond class. crossbowman and berzerker are out of the question. This leaves the big decision: maceman AND halberdier. Or I can get cavalry(always wanted it) OR engineer(seems really fun and useful). P.S. only perm version, and I already have medic and executioner so DONT suggest those. thanks
    Engineer perm! :thumb:
    Very disappointed on hearing what lloyd said about 8 people making alts. :( I discouraged making alts and I myself never made one of course. At least after he took them out of the poll we still won!
    YESSSSS! And I told you so:D!
    This was part of my response to some constructive criticism, but I realized that it also serves as a very nice gameplay preview for the Troy map that is soon to come, get hyped people

    Troy has one major choke point in the ENTIRE map, a minor one being the palace. At the gate there will be chaos and excitement to successfully Ram a hole through the gate. I don't understand how you could possibly say that flag capping will be impossible, if anything Troy will be the map where you can capture the most flags! As soon as the Greeks break the gate and pour in is where the most fun begins. A large area of battle with countless ways around to every point and only one minor choke point in the entire inner city, the Greeks and Trojans will have to spread out, and defend, capture, and fight for flags in small groups. Flags will change hands many times, and the fight will be intense. If the Greeks manage to capture all of the main city flags, the palace is the final stand for the Trojans. It has been designed with ways out to prevent being stuck and to allow potential recovery if the Trojans are smart.

    In the end, Troy is a map that will have high kills, high flag captures, a lot of teamwork, high action, and is actually really exciting if you think about it.
    No, don't do that. Let the players find it for themselves. Otherwise there is no purpose in having walls, if they are climbed over anyway...
    Matt, the poll is over! Wich map is choosen and when will this choosen map be added!? Hope you know!

    (I think it is Troy)
    So me and vic made up a new language yesterday xD
    Yea I was a bit confused by that haha
    Video Tour of Troy thank you zombichicken7!
    When building we kept the 200 by 200 block area. That rule was made to prevent graymore size builds.
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