Found this.
******It seems to be nearing a useful state. Any more suggestions before I declare this 1.0?******
A Beginner's Guide to RomeCraft
Getting started
Welcome to Romecraft! If you need this, you're probably researching before you put in your whitelist app, are waiting for
your whitelist app to be approved, or just started and realised you have no idea what is going on! Alternatively, you're
just trawling the forums and saw a new thread. But nevermind that. The point of this thread is to give some form of
orientation to new players, since the other information threads are many and complicated. Those threads still need to be
read before you start, but this shall hopefully give you the bare bones of server life.
So, let's get started.
You've logged in to RomeCraft, excited to begin your new life. You'll most likely see several things - firstly, a massive
city gate and some signs. Secondly, a series of welcome messages spamming their way down the left side of your screen.
Some will also tell you how to speak - adding ! before your message will allow you to use global chat. As a side note,
this is for OOC speak, there is no need to use Ave, Vale or Roleplaying names. Local chat is for
roleplaying - so make sure to use the roleplaying names of people, not their IGNs. If you need to break RP in local, use
on either side. E.g. "Ave " Someone will usually correct you - in this case, I'd respond "" We
could then continue talking, and you'd be expected to refer to me as Theodosius, or by my title.
So, walk up to the gate, and read those signs. Now, you have two choices. One, you can wander around the city, called
Augusta. This world is built largely by admins - you won't be building here for a long time, if ever. It is well worth the
look though, and later can serve as good inspiration. Plus, there are a few NPC merchants around. The alternative, for
those of you in a hurry, is to warp immediately to the city of Capreae, on Frontier Island. This you can do by right
clicking on the warp sign, and waiting for a few seconds.
If you did that, you'll now see this:
You're now in the main world. Now what? Well, you should definitely take a look around. Here's a basic map, too, although
it'll likely be somewhat out of date. We'll touch on those different districts a little later. Outside the walls is the
countryside of Frontier Island, which is much more dangerous than the city herself, but much safer than some other areas.
(Again, we'll get there)
Note: On this map, north is up, east right, etc. You can also type /compass to find out which direction you are facing!
Also, here is a dynamic map - it lacks the landmarks, but will be more up to date.
Once your inner tourist is sated, you'll probably be getting a little hungry. But in order to get food, without relying on
the charity of others - since you're a proud Roman now! - you'd best go about getting a job. The easiest routes to take
involve being employed by someone else - primarily the Government of Capreae, or the Legion. In either case, do be
patient. People can often be busy with their own things, and your cries for help might get lost. But we do try to help as
soon as we can.
It can be a little tricky to identify who is a member of the government - as they don't have a special faction tag. You
did notice you had a green next to your name, yes? Well, that's your faction tag. The SPQR includes pretty much
anyone not in the Legion, be they government employees, self employed, or just plain unemployed. In this case, you'll need
to ask around for a Decurion, or the Procurator (Governor of the Island.) Alternatively, if you type /f who SPQR, a list
of names will come up. At the top it'll have all the SPQR members online - if their title says Decurion or Procurator,
speak to them. They'll likely hire you as a clerk - essentially a general assistant, your job could entail anything from
chopping down some trees to collecting taxes to helping them build something.