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    The Hunger games server forgot a win i won once but it didn't count it what do i do?
    The thing is the only staff member that goes on daily is WarMakerT and thats it. The rest of staff stay on Rp, I think you should get staff that is only for Pvp.
    hey worst wat type of plugins do you guys use for the server i cant find any good ones but you seem to have them all so can u send me a message on the ones u got?
    We have many custom coded plugins and we aren't sharing the info for it. We don't want hundreds of copy's of ours servers.
    Worst please.. its not like its money out of you're pocket please, il'll never ever complain about anything ever again?
    can you please unban me. its only a jail for greifing the first time
    We have a forum for ban appeals.
    @Worstboy32, Please can you update my Lord, to hero please, thanks.
    hi worst, I do belive i have been offensive in the past few days, it was of course because I was upset that you hadn't kept your word. I am sorry for any inconvenience and anguish i have cause you in recent times, and apologize for any other offenses i may, or may not, of commited. Sorry, sorry, and sorry. -xoxo noobly
    and yet it's still ignored :/ anyways, i could really care less about being unbanned. My bro is starting a server so i will most likely be playing on that. If you wish to ignore this, go ahead, but be warned. I will not ignore you... keep that in mind.
    I'm chinese. I'm offended. jk
    worstboy32 Same for you..
    Use the forums...
    You serious all think a wall is to add suggestions or add banapeals etc?
    Use the forums i'm not gonna answer anyone here..
    15 hours ago · Comment · Public post

    Are i'm talking Chinese?
    Same for you...
    Use the forums...
    You serious all think a wall is to add suggestions or add banapeals etc?
    Use the forums i'm not gonna answer anyone here..
    You serious all think a wall is to add suggestions or add banapeals etc?
    Use the forums i'm not gonna answer anyone here..
    It makes the game more alive when you could just go to a another player
    Can you let everyone use tpas Please
    pls backdate the server my house is getting griefed
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