Here's to show that we've got a lot of work to do. This is the city of Riverside. (Or only half a town hall, a wall without gates and watch towers and a couple of half built houses)
To give you an idea of the size. That wall took me 3 hours.
Let me tell you all.
We recieved over 100 applications over the past 14 hours.
We're trying to review as many as possible today, but well, it's a lot of apps.
Also, we need to work on RP, so we might not have time to review them all now. Please don't ask me when yours is reviewed, I'm reviewing them in alphabetical order.
Empire War LOTR Siege Server IP changed!
Connect to to join
(This change was required, because now the server runs a lot smoother and less laggy)
Share this to other so that everyone knows about the IP change!