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  • This Week: Empire War: The Conflict of Middle Earth. Filming maps and stuff. Will demo/play with all my classes if possible.
    Why is server down?
    Ok. Thanks again
    You really need to add a /hub button in the server.
    Delay in YT video production... out of bandwidth for the month XD I'll resume production monday..

    Schedule Update:

    Enjin How to- Monday
    Carrecraft Rust- Filming Monday-Tuesday (let me know if you want in) Comes out Thursday
    Morgul Siege - Filming Friday- Coming out next monday
    Upcoming videos (in order they will be uploaded)

    How to: Enjin Forums

    Carrecraft Rust: Hardest Core Gamemode

    Miwas Moegul: Empire War Siege of Minas Morgul

    Please send me an email at [email protected] if you would like to star in any of these films.
    Enjin forums is already done... got to do narration, and then upload it... probably gonna be ready tomorrow. Rust will be filmed over the next few days, uploaded friday maybe and minas morgul will be filmed late (for me) friday night if i can get players to cooperate.
    Can we all please stop raging at tim? he can be a bit of an ass at times, but think about how much he's done over the years.

    Things to improve on-Community
    -Dont second guess staff in decisions
    -Respect tibbles bans
    -Understand tibbles is only humba

    Things to improve on-Tim
    -Respect opinions of players.
    -Ban because of rule breakage, not because they are being irritating
    -More moderation in punishments.

    Please read these and understand why im saying them. This ancient flame war is getting old, and stupid. More and more of my friends are leaving the server, which means that I get stuck with a bunch of noobs, and no-one that actually remembers the good old days. I sincerely hope that tibbles takes time to read this cause he needs to. He needs a little bit better PR and the community needs a little more patience and respect for tibbles both as a person and as the owner of Empire War
    Tim (aka tibbles) Is the owner of the Empirewar network. Other than carrecraft it's the server i spend most of my time on. (it's premium tho)
    So i have a great youtube idea... EW 1v1 battles... just need tim to give gombar and i some place to film/select classes... unless you know a way to add nazgul to single player LAN
    So Tibbles the Mighty locked the meme thread, and Only locked the new one, so i'm starting a movement to just post meme's on walls. Here's my first. Please like this if you agree, and start posting!
    Amen, man, Amen, what do you think I wana do
    Got sick of my outlook getting spammed by emails from enjin... part of why i made my MC email.
    I disable my enjin emails. Before it used to go to junk mail :/
    Ok... call me a noob whatever... but what is necroposting?
    I learned something new also :D
    Just spent half an hour reading the forums before joining the game... i really have no live XD
    well i spend even more but just got back from water polo
    Anyone like to eat cookie dough?
    scroll down joash and check out the over photoshopped version of my face. Courtesy of antzorg
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