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Recent content by the_Jellster

  1. the_Jellster

    Favo lotr movie!?

    Hi there! The_Jellster again with a new forum topic. Which movie of the LOTR series is your favorite? Let us know in the comments why it is your favorite. [rule] My favorite is by far the fellowship of the ring. why? One, because the fellowship travels through awesome environments like the...
  2. the_Jellster

    The mother of Bolg?!

    Hi there! Last week we were talking on the server about Bolg and Azog. According from the book lore, Bolg is the son of Azog. Does this mean Azog had a relationship? Leave in the comments which character from middle earth will fit as mother of Bolg. Suggentions were: Sauron, Tom bombadil...
  3. the_Jellster

    EW version 1.0 event?!

    Hi guys, Yesterday I was playing on Empire War (like almost everyday :P). When suddenly my thoughts went back to the old days. The days Minas Tirith was version 1.0, and maps such as Isengard were still in the server. Well, I will not make this post very long. I was just curious what you guys...
  4. the_Jellster

    The battle of pelenor fields 2.0?!

    Hi there! I am back with another/better map ;D I created a map with an example of the spawnpoints. As you can see, the orcs will spawn behind the river. They have to capture the bridge/the south gate first. After that, they can spread (Same idea of laketown, get through the gate and capture the...
  5. the_Jellster

    Favo LOTR character?

    Who is your fav Lord of the Rings (Fellowship )character?:
  6. the_Jellster

    The battle of the Pelenor fields?!

    Hai guys!, Yesterday evening I was thinking (together with RogueLightYT) about a new map for the EW server. I don't know if some admins or so can help me with the idea :) This is my plan: The battle of the Pelenor Fields. This battle is looks like the battle of Laketown for example. Its a fight...