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Favo lotr movie!?


New member
Hi there!

The_Jellster again with a new forum topic.
Which movie of the LOTR series is your favorite? Let us know in the comments why it is your favorite.
My favorite is by far the fellowship of the ring. why? One, because the fellowship travels through awesome environments like the shire, bree, Rivendell, Moria, Lothlorien and of course Amon Hen.
And because its the movie the war of the ring hasn't really started yet. Compared with the other two movies, the war of the ring isn't a subject and the only thing that matters is the fellowship of the ring. The small company of races traveling their way through middle earth.

Thats why the fellowship of the ring is my favorite. Now its your turn!

See you soon on EW!
Greetings, the_Jellster
Well firstly the only way to watch LOTR Is the Extended editions.
Secondly, my answer used to be obvious - ROTK. But as I have matured (xD), I think my opinions have changed.

Yeah, ROTK is a mammoth film, with a lot of awesome battles in it, and frankly the extended edition (4+ hours) is two films in itself. However, I think now the battle at Helm's Deep is more emotional and I think I might be on the cusp of preferring it to the Pelennor Fields. The idea of them riding out to their deaths really hits hard.

So yeah maybe it's the Two Towers. However, as you say the Fellowship has a brilliant sense of adventure, innocence and wonder. Basically, I'm not decided. :)
I like the entire hobbit trilogy roast me.

i don't know if its possible for me to decide on one movie. The LOTR is hands down better but I prefer watching hobbit for the character arcs. plus the music in the hobbit is better. maybe ive just seen lotr too many times :C