Well I got nominated by Thom so here we go;
A - Age: 16 (17 on December 22)
B - Best Friend(s):
Gr8Tim22 ,
Thom and
C - Christmas #Hype?: Well all big servers have released their Christmas lobbies so we should just enjoy them
D - DanTDM Fan?: No idea who he was untill this question, but from what I have seen so far, it's a no (too childish).
E - Experience Level on Mineplex: 64 (on Hypixel my global level is 58).
F - How many friends online right now?: Eh 514 on the forums don't know how many in game
G - Played a 18+ game yet?: Battlefield 4 FTW!
H - Guy which most hates me?: No idea, I just do /ignore or block them on the forums xD
I - In my opinion the best map builder?:
Picksoul and Giovani
K - Achievement kit in Monster Maze since?: Ofcourse, every staff gets the achievement kits
L - Language: Dutch / Nederlands.
M - The music I recommend?:
N - Next birthday in my family?: Me
O - Offensive or Defensive in Mineplex Games?: "The best defense is a good offense."
P - Pizza or Pizza?: Pizza
R - Rarest Screenies I got?: Hm Defek or Hypixel (I've seen Chiss too many times to call it special xD )
S - Popcorn. Salt or Sugar?: Sugar
T - Favourite TV Show?: The Walking Dead or Game Of Thrones.
U - User on Mineplex since?: Joined around September 2013 (for SSM).
V - Vikkstar fan?: I used to watch him because of the "Battle Dome" videos.
W - World record on Mineplex?: Eh most I held at the same moment was 9, but I'm mostly known for 100 kills in dominate
X - Xyolophone player?: Only played on that when I was like 4 xD
Y - Why I play Mineplex?: EU server, and fun games.
Z - Zant, surname
I nominate _Dusk and Picksoul.