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Empire War Forums

Hey dohar, it has been awhile, but I am back on and currently wish to find out how to tone up my bulding skills, I have improved over the years by the way. Now on to the subject of that drawbridge/platform. Though a drawbridge would be fascinating (and awesome), the platform looks fantastic as well, I must ask though, what does this kingdom posses in technology? Could they have either? Personally though, I like the build as is, the platform. ~KraftyDrusko
Well as lore goes for the project, the first gatehouse (brick) is older than the actual castle itself. So it would be outfitted with defense technology that dates 50 or so years before the actual castle was made. Inside the castle of course will be murder holes and a trapdoor pit thingie. For the rest of the castle there will be murderpits, cleverly placed arrowloops. The honest reason is that a drawbridge in default doesn't look as pretty when it's fully out, and that the mechanisms need to be put in place, and it takes up a lot of space. Other than the bridge itself, it'd be nice to catch up somewhere, remember Slydom?
Like I said before, I think keeping the platform as is would fit quite well. Slydom was actually back up recently, owned by Kris, though just in the last month it has been mysteriously shut-down. Kris has no idea why. Know of any other good servers similar to that?