Drink tea with straws? hell no. Microwave water? Well, obviously we should if we need to pour hot water in cup noodles instead of getting a faster death by combining water and cup noodles and put it in a microwave. It's the same concept for other things such as baby formula if your baby prefers it.
[user]7627477[/user] The old fashion stove is not for everyone. There are parents who do not let their kids use the stove when they want to boil something. It is faster to do the microwave as well. Don't just think about possibilities. Think about safety. Fire is not to be messed with. [user]12354507[/user] That's actually a better solution because of its handle, which makes it safer. However, we are typical Americans who do not want to spend money on something like that because the microwave can do a lot more than that thing.