Grissum1 Monday at 12:49 PM How is it possible for gay people to become broke when there is a pot of gold at the end of rainbow?
Grissum1 Dec 17, 2019 Reading all my past posts. Most of them I'm seeing are last year... fuck man.. I never knew I'm that cringy LMFAO
Reading all my past posts. Most of them I'm seeing are last year... fuck man.. I never knew I'm that cringy LMFAO
Grissum1 Sep 29, 2019 It's good to come back to Enjin and see a lot of familiar faces.... I guess legends never die huh?
T That one guy Jul 7, 2019
Grissum1 Jul 7, 2019 Haven't posted in a while. So I started working on this 1 year old project for a few days lol probably not gonna finish it.
Haven't posted in a while. So I started working on this 1 year old project for a few days lol probably not gonna finish it.
Corvus™ Apr 24, 2019
Grissum1 Dec 16, 2018 sjoerdtim I forgot to give my taste on the game but It is by far one of the hardest puzzles I played. This is what got me addicted to the game. I am currently stuck at Gatekeeper, level 10. So I have a long trail ahead of me. Great job dawg.
sjoerdtim I forgot to give my taste on the game but It is by far one of the hardest puzzles I played. This is what got me addicted to the game. I am currently stuck at Gatekeeper, level 10. So I have a long trail ahead of me. Great job dawg.
Grissum1 Dec 13, 2018 sjoerdtim Yo just got your game but I will try to give you feedback tomorrow. I gotta study for finals.
sjoerdtim Yo just got your game but I will try to give you feedback tomorrow. I gotta study for finals.