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  1. LimeeFox

    Not being fixed Hall of Fame is a bit broken

    I don't know about other stats, but the repairs record is held by another person. At-least I have more repairs...
  2. LimeeFox

    repairs not working

    I don't know about other maps, but at-least Dale has broken gate repairs; you can't repair gates
  3. LimeeFox

    Dwarven Win Music (2)

    My old thread was kind of outdated and stuff, https://www.empirewar.org/forums/m/5312442/viewthread/31783118-dwarves-win-music/post/134809172#p134809172 So I decided to make a new one, because I still think this track should be the winning music for Dwarves. Since tim is no longer in charge...
  4. LimeeFox

    repairing Helm's Deep gates

    It's been reported that you cannot repair Helm's Deep's gates... The repair chests don't work
  5. LimeeFox

    Field Medic very broken

    Hey! So these issues have been present since the day EW was updated to 1.13, but despite a couple of sjoerdtim's attempts to fix a few of these issues, they are still active. So what issues am I talking about? 1) Unlimited slices Basically, whenever a teammate needs to heal, he eats the cake...
  6. LimeeFox

    DJ role application

    This idea isn't fresh, but it is time to bring it to the forums and hopefully get a response that isn't a useless comment, but a decision. So what if there was an application on forums that would give people a DJ role on discord and therefore be able to play music and lyrics during not just the...
  7. LimeeFox


    Allow everyone to type /helpop (message) The command is already existant since it's provided along with the Essentials plugin, so it just needs activating and a slight configuration. The message would be received by Pre-Mods+
  8. LimeeFox

    Firework dissappears after first launch

    So this bug is kind of split: You can only launch the firework when facing a block It dissappears after being launched.
  9. LimeeFox

    Unable to send arrows in chat

  10. LimeeFox

    Unable to send arrows in chat

    You cannot send the left < nor the right > arrow in chat. It send nothing and the chat message is blank.
  11. LimeeFox

    Gate repair chest doesn't work on BlackGate

    so the first gate to brace on Black Gate (gothmog's tent gate) can't be repaired because the chest doesn't work. You should check the second one aswell, just in case (the warg pits)
  12. LimeeFox

    broken /players

    It's unclear to me, perhaps there's something I don't understand, but we had 2 Heros online, De_Mik (also donator though he was instead shown in Staff section which is okay (nothing broken here)) and Me, who am Donator and Builder (and I am probably the one shown as donator)
  13. LimeeFox

    Edhellond & Blackgate icons on enjin

    This bug has never been solved, even though sjoerdtim said that it was. https://www.empirewar.org/forums/m/5312442/viewthread/32437082-blackgate-icon-on-website
  14. LimeeFox

    Accepted Lucaman8 Anti Knockback + fly hacks

    Nothing much to say, except that another player (KingCraft smth smth) sometimes hit me there where I was before (only him, not others) but that is certainly lag (though I still included it in the video) XJaK5DjycGk
  15. LimeeFox

    Accepted MexicanPower101 anti-knockback

    There are also sounds of autoclicker (i think) but that could be ItzMonkeyBusines (who's also being judged for hacks rn)... Here is evidence: _sEsnR5t3i4
  16. LimeeFox

    Minas Tirith last flag MINIMAP

    when the last flag on Minas Tirith turns to light wool, for some reason the main gate flag turns light blue aswell, although happily you can't use the main gate spawns.
  17. LimeeFox

    Umbar Pyro can't pick up arrows

    When I was playing on the Edhellond map, I couldn't pick up arrows from the ground using the donator pack's Umbar Pyro.
  18. LimeeFox

    Daily Reward

    I don't know if it's also happening to others, but I personally haven't logged on since this weekend and today, Wednesday, it said that I have already claimed my daily reward but I haven't.
  19. LimeeFox

    Rhovanion pack

    Pretty self-explanatory:
  20. LimeeFox

    Blackgate icon on website

    In current map display, Black Gate has no icon for itself. P.S: I just found out that Edhellond as well: