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Search results

  1. LimeeFox

    A bunch of new features for /settings

    I'd just would like to revive some of the good suggestions, and sinc tim didn't want them to be default, we atually didn't think about making them toggleable in /settings It would be cool if different team colors in chat were a toggleable setting, so that only the ones who want to have "messy"...
  2. LimeeFox

    Suggestions concerning new players

    Hey, while meditating around a bit, I noticed something which started to trigger me... Basically, I have 2 suggestions to help keep more new players stay on Empire War LOTR siege server. Tutorial Basically, we all know what 98% of players brings on Empire War: Lord Of The Rings A GREAT...
  3. LimeeFox

    Optional advanced resourcepack

    Hey. A fair number of Empire War players would have wanted to feel the LOTR even more than we do now, and specifically, a better resourcepack. Now, the current resourcepack should stay as it is, since having more textures and sounds would be too laggy/way too long to load each time you join...
  4. LimeeFox

    Daily or weekly challenges

    What about having a daily challenge to complete and get points for that? Or have a weekly one? [rule] Either using the Advancement system or skript plugin, write down atleast a hundred different challenges to complete (that can be completed more than one time, just different days). You would...
  5. LimeeFox

    Morgul Gate can't be repaired

    After hearing about Gondorians discovering that the Ram exists, they broke the gate, and I needed to repair it, however it said that the Gate was captured and that I had no time to repair. Here is proof: You can see me say "wait what" to support the legit level of this report.
  6. LimeeFox

    Thank you sjoerdtim

    Lord of The rings is my favorite invention in this world. I am passionated by it and love it alot. I am very happy that I found Empire War which accomplished one of my dreams: battle through Middle Earth! I thank you sjoerdtim for creating such an amazing server, which is just what made my...
  7. LimeeFox

    What was your favorite EW v.2 update?

    Hey! While the community sleeps, next update is slowly coming. So why not discuss the old updates, reclaim your impression about them to make thoughts of it fresh to better compare them with the coming one? Write below, which update was your favorite, and why! Be clear and feel free do describe...
  8. LimeeFox

    Last tutorial room

    I was ending the tutorial, when I found a ranger's hat floating near the right corner. Then I redid the tutorial and this time a player was standing in the middle, so I asked them where they were (to make sure it wasn't a personal visual bug) and the person started moving and then ran away...
  9. LimeeFox

    Firework after tutorial

    I already reported this bug once but it was probably unnoticed since there were a couple of other bugs in the same thread. After completing Tutorial, I don't get my firework back unless I relog or the map switches.
  10. LimeeFox

    Spectator sign doesn't tp to the map

    I clicked on the spectator mode sign in the LAKETOWN lobby, and got spectator but I haven't been TPed to the map. Currently none of the other maps are affected by that bug, only Laketown (haven't checked every single one of them though)
  11. LimeeFox

    Lobby Big banner's banners gone

    The title is weird and confusing, but it's easy to understand: I found this at Tirith main lobby, the banners miss the small banners (see second picture for correct ones) Correct version: I highly encourage to check OTHER LOBBIES ASWELL, I myself haven't but maybe they also...
  12. LimeeFox

    Dwarven Bullet-axeman

    Name: (to be changed) Dwarven Bullet-Axeman Type: Point class (4000) Maps: Erebor Weapons: Iron axe & 8 iron bullets (iron nuggets) Equipment/Items: [default] Armor: Iron chestplate, Chain leggins, chain boots Potion Effects: None [rule] Abilities: Can throw Iron bullets by...
  13. LimeeFox

    Helm's Deep main lobby

    I noticed something weird on Helm's Deep main lobby... We can see on the image below, that the banners on the sides do not correspond to the map real teams.
  14. LimeeFox

    Troll sounds

    Honestly, I don't feel the troll presence with the current troll sounds. I don't know about other people though. I am very unsatisfied with them, so I suggest to either replace two of the sounds with these https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AinaU5myDuo&feature=youtu.be or add the two I linked to...
  15. LimeeFox

    Outer Gondor Update class ideas

    The next update is shortly coming, so I decided to throw a few class ideas: Blue team Red team For the Corsairs themselves, should be ~ the same as for Lossarnach. For all of my suggestions for Lossarnach map, see the following thread...
  16. LimeeFox

    Troll Looks

    Hey. I noticed that troll doesn't hold any weapon (the golem disguise). So why not make it hold his Axe/hammer like so? If we can't replace the flower with an axe (which I doubt but just in case), you could have the Poppy Item be textured just like the axe/hammer, either 2D or 3D and maybe a...
  17. LimeeFox

    Night vision

    I noticed that if you are in spectator mode and at the same time the game ends, you get teleported into the lobby but still have night vision.
  18. LimeeFox

    Spectator mode teleport

    I think people in spectator mode should be able to teleport to other spectators. This way, if someone finds something funny or finds a bug and wants to show to other spectator they could easily find each other, or if they just want to fly together.
  19. LimeeFox

    Accepted VladimirLenin1870 and StinkBlikje

    Name of reported: VladimirLenin1870 and StinkBlikje Reported for what: Constant chat toxicity towards tobiko13 Evidence: All of the screenshots can be found here or if you search logs from 6th April 2018 (around 5 PM GMT+1 time) https://imgur.com/a/N5tjR Further problems: Even after my...
  20. LimeeFox

    Buggy Tutorial

    With The_Witch_Pikmin we decided to communicate on Tutorial using the repair chest in the keep part, and that's what we found out. We can put our stuff inside the chest and take off armor and other stuff.