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Search results

  1. LimeeFox

    3.2.1 - Patch Notes

    Empire War v3.2.1 Greetings Empire Warriors. First of all, happy new year 2025 everybody! Last year (2024) was pretty successful, and much was achieved including Player count record of 86 during the Moria Update event (update 3.2.0). Today, I would like to present to you Update 3.2.1, a...
  2. LimeeFox

    3.2.0 - Hotfix #2

    3.2.0 - Hotfix #2 All of the changes since November the 15th. New Features: Added a live player counter on Discord! Updates every minute May not be 100% precise at all times but it gives a very good global understanding of who is online Coded by myself from scratch :D Bug Fixes & Changes...
  3. LimeeFox

    3.2.0 - Hotfix #1

    3.2.0 - Hotfix #1 All of the changes since October the 7th. New Features: Swapped Voter Classes vote with Silver Bonus vote (Planet Minecraft voting still doesn't work, but at-least now you can easily vote and obtain access to Voter Classes) Added new vote: Feather Falling I boots! (use /vote...
  4. LimeeFox

    Moria Update - (v.3.2)

    Empire War v3.2 The second major update of Empire War (v3) has come! It took longer than expected, but the wait was CLEARLY worth it. We are excited to present to you the Moria Update, which focuses on bringing a long-loved community favourite map; Moria Great Halls! Indeed, it has been...
  5. LimeeFox

    3.1.2 - Hotfix #2

    3.1.2 - Hotfix #2 All of the changes since August the 18th. Added a new achievement: "Empire War v3 first anniversary" [Obtainable after playing 1 hour on Empire War this Weekend] Fixed woolmap sometimes not responding to clicks Fixed health scale not resetting when game ends/unapplying a class...
  6. LimeeFox

    Give 3 gold to MVPs

    It would be cool if MVPs got a gold reward as bonus, provides even more ways to get gold other than vote streaks, custom achievements/advancements and donations. The only condition I would ask of, is to only let that happen under certain conditions such that it's farming can be prevented
  7. LimeeFox

    Defender bonus capture

    It is quite known that ultimately, attackers will always have a significantly greater game score than defenders for the sole reason of capturing flags. Defenders can't obtain nearly as many captures as attackers can, this is why I offer a new solution: every two minutes or so, all defenders get...
  8. LimeeFox

    Implemented Make Class Silhouettes clickable

    would be cool if you could not only click on the sign, but also the class 'preview' silhouette to apply a class
  9. LimeeFox

    Resolved Team material submissions don't work

    if you try to submit materials to the team inventory, it doesn't work
  10. LimeeFox

    3.1.2 - Hotfix #1

    3.1.2 - Hotfix #1 All of the changes since August the 16th. Fixed donations not applying in-game Fixed commands that allow referencing offline players from not working Fixed (hopefully) invisible disguise issues Fixed hitmarkers not appearing Fixed being able to drop items in protected areas...
  11. LimeeFox

    3.1.2 - Patch notes

    Empire War v3.1.2 Even though this update has only increased its third digit, it is still quite a big one, technically speaking. The centerpiece of this patch is the migration of the server framework from Paper to Sponge, which as we've explained previously is highlighted by a faster...
  12. LimeeFox

    3.1.1 - Patch notes

    Empire War v3.1.1 The first patch to the Eriador Update! Considering the numerous new classes, balance fixes, bug fixes and such, the Eriador Update (v3.1) can now make way for v3.1.1! Let's go through all of the changes that happened to the server since January the 12th. Note that a lot of...
  13. LimeeFox

    Media Assistant Application

    Hey everyone. We're currently looking to expand our media team, which is responsible for creating media such as videos, images and various texts for advertisement, announcements, updates, etc... The (voluntary) job of Media Assistant will involve the - Development of target group-oriented...
  14. LimeeFox

    Eriador Update - (v.3.1)

    Empire War v3.1 The first major update of Empire War (v3) has come! After months of working on this, we’re glad to be delivering the Eriador Update, which focuses on bringing new maps and class abilities in relation to the Eriador region in Middle-Earth. As a bonus, we've also introduced...
  15. LimeeFox

    Not being fixed Voter class vote expires on midnight

    Even though you vote for it, you can't use the voter classes after midnight if you've voted before that time. Penalizes players who stay up late/live in different parts of the world
  16. LimeeFox

    3.0.4 - Hotfix #5

    3.0.4 - Hotfix #5 All of the changes since November the 17th. Minas Tirith now requires 15 players to start Added map border to all maps in rotation Leaving the map border by glitching will result in freeze damage Fixed issues with vote streaks and expiry detection Fixed MVP silver being...
  17. LimeeFox

    3.0.4 - Hotfix #4

    3.0.4 - Hotfix #4 All of the changes since October the 27th. Some of these were already live during the previous 1-2 play sessions, and others are new. Fixed Map Rotation Fixed Horn Ability not applying effects or cooldown properly. Fixed Disguised players being visible Added a Deathmatch...
  18. LimeeFox

    Resolved Rock pickup on game end

    if you start picking up a rock at the end of a game, your inventory will be full of rocks in the lobby
  19. LimeeFox

    3.0.4 - Hotfix #3

    3.0.4 - Hotfix #3 The server is now on 1.20.2, but 1.19.4, 1.20 and 1.20.1 are also supported Increased capture speed when fewer people are online, decreased it when more are online Added a kill command (/kill, /suicide, /die) Minas Tirith main gate spawns for orcs now move once the siege...
  20. LimeeFox

    Upcoming Updates, Plans, etc...

    Minecraft LOTR Castle Siege Server IP: play.empirewar.org Since 2012 Now that the server is opening every weekend, many have speculated when the server would finally open 24/7, like in the days of old. Today, I finally have some news on that subject! Having discussed the topic, the staff have...