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Search results

  1. Lord Hamster


    Feel sad about EmpireWar closing? (I sure do). Get rid of your sad feelings here by going "boohoo". boohoo
  2. Lord Hamster

    Thank you.

    Since the server will most likely shut down at the end of the month, I'd just like to thank some people for making EmpireWar a really great place to hang out and have a nice time. I think 960266 and the staff team really need a pat on the back. They have done a great job (except one or two who...
  3. Lord Hamster


    Let's start this again! ./COW!!!
  4. Lord Hamster

    Name Changes!

    3 Words. Support. Name. Changes.
  5. Lord Hamster

    More Staff

    So, I think everyone can agree that while the current staff are great, they are not very active, and more staff would be beneficial for everyone (except hackers :P). The main criteria for new staff should be: How Active? Staff members should be as active as possible, since one hacker/spammer...
  6. Lord Hamster

    Forum game: Ban the Person

    This is a fun little game. Basically think of a reason for the person who posted above to be banned, then post it. Example: *For having a crappy username* *For being a scrub* (me, btw.) PS: Like all the posts on the page you are posting on. Pls.
  7. Lord Hamster


    Hi, I'm Nik. I like hamsters.
  8. Lord Hamster

    Guide to the EmpireWar Siege Server

    Hi, and welcome to EmpireWar! This is a guide to one of the best Siege server you will ever find on Minecraft! Getting Started When you first log onto the EmpireWar Siege Server (IP: lotr.empirewar.org), you will find yourself in a huge lobby. The lobby has 4 main parts: The VIP Lobby, The...
  9. Lord Hamster

    Server Changes

    I recently logged on to EmpireWar and was instantly refunded over 80 thousand points. These were from every single class I had ever bought. I then tried to play NazGûl, and was told that only Sage+ could play it. I find it very unfair that I (and many other players) lost classes like Balrog and...
  10. Lord Hamster

    Order of Point Classes to Get on EmpireWar

    Many people ingame want to know which class to get first, so I thought,why not make a whole list of all of them? Note: If you prefer archery, skip to 8,9 and 10. 1. Class to Buy: Rohan Royal Guard. Cost:3500 points A strong melee class, esentially an upgrade from normal soldier. It is on 3...
  11. Lord Hamster


    I just wanted to apologise for being such a prick in the last few weeks. I'm sorry for swearing and being annoying, and I really hope i didn't offend anyone. It's been a bit stressful at school, but it's over and my grades are not bad (phew!) so i won't be so quick to complain or swear anymore...
  12. Lord Hamster

    Insane lag, rubberbanding, screen freezes every 10 secs...

    So, today i got Power 4 as Elven archer and thought i would get around 20 kills per life with it. In fact, i got 11 kills 31 deaths. Yep. The reason is because of INSANE rubber banding and lag. i have had this for WEEKS. Whenever i try to move, i get tied back to where i was, and noobs farm...
  13. Lord Hamster

    Balrog Fund

    My kd is starting to get really hard to move, and I can only get it up with Naz, so I really need Balrog as fast as possible. I couald get it myself, but then my kd would need like 200 ks to budge, and so I need your help. I will repay all points + extra when I have them back, so please help me out!
  14. Lord Hamster

    Chuck Norris Jokes

    This thread is where you post your Chuck Norris jokes. I'll start: How many push-ups can Chuck Norris do? All of them.
  15. Lord Hamster


    Many of you will know Kai. He has a 0.5 kd, 0 skill, 0 mvps and every class except Balrog. He has also only been playing for 2 months. Sound suspicious? Well, the way he did this was scamming. He basically spammed everyone with amazing deals, like 5000 points donation would be payed back in 2...
  16. Lord Hamster

    The Big Wedding Day!

    As a few of you will know, 13248419 and 9121890 have already had children (12973108 ) and are now planning to be married. We have already had a rehearsal wedding in an amazing cathedral built by 10102909 , and to clarify what will happen I have created this thread. The players who will be...
  17. Lord Hamster

    Men in Battle of 5 Armies

    As gombar123 has been asking if I could make a Battle of Five Armies event with the other teams. (http://www.empirewar.org/forums/m/5312442/viewthread/20320930-battle-five-armies-teams-event-as-suggested-by-gombar/page/5) Men will be made up of players with no teams, and so I have created this...