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  1. G

    Cobwebs can be broken similar to wooden planks with mage fireballs

    This bug includes those placed by builder LimeeFox who was helpful for the demonstration... You have to hit a solid block next to cobwebs as fireballs pass right through them normally... rXR18EMo4-4 Edit: This can be a bit weird sometimes as shown in video but it does happen...
  2. G

    Combining Classes

    Ok, so like 15 min ago I was playing on Minas Tirith at level 2 flag when I saw potato stall item frames and had an idea about how they could be abused... Prior Knowledge: I knew that items in item frames could be taken out and any item could be put in them. Anyways, I went and tested this out...
  3. G

    Remote Wall Detonation

    Ok, this is a bug that I discovered a couple weeks ago and have been trying to record because it is kinda hard to explain... Anyways, when the berserker picks up tnt on helms, they can click ANY iron bar on map to blow wall, leading to remote detonation which is confusing and unrealistic. This...
  4. G

    Dale Longbow can pick up to 14 arrows even though they only spawn with 8

    Pretty simple, just an oversight when editing class for archer changes.
  5. G

    Sprinting Halberd Bug 2.0

    I have repeatedly called attention of sjoerdtim to this bug and been dismissed, here is bug & how it works. When clicking the halberd sign after you have the halberd class you can sprint as the halberd until you take damage (which probably makes server realize mistake) at which point you have...
  6. G

    EW Light

    Recently, I decided to make a resource pack that makes some sense out of Empire War while still keeping as many default textures as I could. Currently at version 1.0 with 1.14 Crossbow textures & custom erebor brick texture that I feel keeps the original spirit of brick more closely. In theory...
  7. G

    Milk & Cookies Resource Pack

    Attached are the 1.12.x & 1.13.x versions of a resource pack with milk & cookies I made for tobiko13, use these if you wish... PS: 1.13.x version untested 1.12.x version should work now
  8. G

    /nextmap with 3 people or fewer doesn't work

    The /nextmap command doesn't work when it goes to exactly 100% so the minimum requirement for players that are on is 4 if 3 do /nextmap... please fix
  9. G

    Club class (needs name)

    Name: Type: Point, 3000 Maps: Minas Tirith, Edoras, Helms Deep Weapons: Club (custom model) Equipment/Items: 3 ladders & 10 steak Armor: Chain chestplate, leather pants and leather boots Potion Effects: Slowness 1 Abilities: Is a tanky class with makeshift weapon... Extra Info:
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    Goodbye for now...

    Due to recent events leading to the death of a friend of my family, and exams I will be inactive for a while. I have not told anyone this but I suffer from depression. I have to collect my sanity and keep myself together and I feel that it will be much too hard to do that along with being an...
  11. G

    3D Weapons Texture Pack

    I would like to hear player input on whether I should make a public pack that adds 3d weapon models over the regular EW ones (as of 1.12 the server pack would need to be disabled). So should I make a lot of 3d weapon models to enhance immersion for people who can handle the graphics? The reason...
  12. G

    Ban Appeal

    Minecraft username: Lord_GiacomoS Ban/mute reason: Auto-Clicker Banned/muted by: Antzorg Why you should be unbanned/unmuted: I have decided after heavy internal debate to post actual ban appeal for myself. The only reason I make this appeal is because I wish to be able to play on the server...
  13. G

    Public Apology for Auto Clicker (not really ban appeal but best place I can find to put it)

    Minecraft username: Lord_GiacomoS Ban/mute reason: Auto-Clicker Banned/muted by: Antzorg Why you should be unbanned/unmuted: I shouldn't, I just want to publicly apologize for using autoclicker. I know what I did was wrong. I know that even though Rikumaru was using troll, that was no excuse to...
  14. G

    Let Constructors Place Blocks in Edoras

    Who on the server wishes that the constructor kits on Edoras aren't useless for anything except repairing gates? Who wants constructors to be allowed to place blocks? Why isn't this already implemented? Well because when a map resets it needs to delete the constructor wood... and because Edoras...