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Search results

  1. Grissum1

    Building Dol Amroth!

    I have written accounts of my journey building Dol Amroth on our sister server! This will be updated daily and contain personal yap thoughts. In The Lord of the Rings, Dol Amroth is a city and fiefdom in the region of Western Gondor. It's a vast fortress built on cliffs, surrounded by...
  2. Grissum1

    Resource Pack Artist Application

    Volunteer Position Empire War is looking for volunteers for the position of resource pack artist. This is an entry-level position; you do not need any experience in making textures or 3d models for a resource pack. Applications are below. Qualifications: Decent communication skills. Access...
  3. Grissum1

    Theme song after game ended

    One thing I missed about v1/v2 is the massive earrape that is the main theme that plays after the game ended: While I do not miss having my ears blown up, the theme made it feel like you were going through an epic battle. I think re-adding themes like this to the game would be better than...
  4. Grissum1

    v3 Boulder Troll Archive

    Short Story: I buffed troll rock to do a lot of damage (30 damage and lots of velocity). This resulted to a flood of trolls throwing fastballs against Rohan and Gondor. Here is early footage of the Boulder Troll, a ranged troll class before it changed to the half-troll due to balancing issues.
  5. Grissum1

    Planned Bring back v2 torch fire

    Good for burning constructor wood and it was badass
  6. Grissum1

    Pending More bugs :D

    10/11/2024 - Classes with throwing items (like Dunlending Huntsman axe and Easterling Torcher Torch) loses their custommodeldata and do not return to the offhand when picked up. - Volley Shot is unresponsive sometimes. Other times, it's consistent.
  7. Grissum1

    Pending Discord

    Forum channel is no longer showing the latest forum post in Empire War discord
  8. Grissum1

    Planned Advanced Trident ability and Advanced Fishing Rod ability

    So same as advanced crossbow ability or advanced bow ability (being able to edit the velocity, damage, etc). I could see this being useful for fisherman and in possible future maps in the long term that may have water classes (like Laketown, Edhellond, etc). Fishing rod modifiers will be useful...
  9. Grissum1

    V2 Crossbow Footage Archive

    I shall do a part 2 as v3 crossbow soon!
  10. Grissum1

    Pending List of bugs

    - Ender chest not working - Leap resets to leap item air everytime server resets - parry item on citadel guard is diamond sword, but doesn't parry. Parry item on royal guard is air but still parries with iron sword. - passive effect doesn't work - very weak shield bash knockback - certain...
  11. Grissum1

    Practice Range

    An area where you can test damage and abilities of classes on both non-moving/moving bots or mobs.
  12. Grissum1

    Resolved World edit constructor axe

    I can't use constructor axe because of world edit. It will instead set my positions instead of removing the wood.
  13. Grissum1

    Keep one thing in your inventory when grabbing gold bug (sorry for long name)

    In this video, while carrying gold, you can keep anything your class has by clicking on the gold and then go to your inventory. Then, left click one of your items in your inventory during during the "grab the gold" countdown. After the gold is gathered, you can simply put the sword anywhere in...
  14. Grissum1

    Startvote bug

    This happens after the server restarts while startvote was going on. It stayed as "vote already started" ever since then.
  15. Grissum1

    Trident switch class bug

    In the following video, I can throw a trident and then click another class to get the class while the trident on the ground returns to me. Can work on trident class sign as well to receive two tridents. (as well as any class)
  16. Grissum1

    Haradrim Archer buff

    Why it should be buffed: Haradrim archer often gets outshined by archer classes due to its lack of damage. Sure, the poison tries to make up for it, but the point of archery is to finish off your opponent in a clean manner. The poison arrows does not do that because it has two flaws, one major...
  17. Grissum1

    Thx homie

    As the Top 100th or 101th I think, I have no clue what to say due to the fact that I'm crying right now XD but thank you Tim and staff for hosting a server for me and others to enjoy. You had certain balls to run a server like this that even I'm too lazy to run something this dope! People say...