3.0.4 - Hotfix #2
- Added a new map: Timcove! (Mostly a temporary map for fun)
- Fixed all Minas Tirith spawns in the first two flags
- Changed the minimap layout for the first part of Minas Tirith
- Buffed Lurtz (added punch 1)
- Buffed Uruk Shieldman Health (32 -> 34)
- Fixed spawn icons & wool colour for Black Gate
- Fixed Black Gate flag
- Set rocks of all trolls classes damage (20 → 30)
- Added all heroes in Osgiliath
- Remove Ring-Wraith from Helms Deep
- Fixed Olog Hai and Uruk Shieldman’s class type (default —> voter)
- Added 2 new Dunlending classes and put Royal Guard in Rohan team in Eoford lobbies
- All engineer classes can now place fortifications on all maps (using the paper)
- Added more restocks to Black Gate
- Added more restocks to Old Garden on Osgiliath
- Added two buildable siege towers to Black Gate
- Added repairable bridge to Black Gate
- Improved class ability descriptions
- Temporarily removed barrels as restock blocks
- Cobblestone can now be added to the team inventory via restock blocks
- Fixed gate state when breaking the gate while it's opening/closing
- Restock cooldowns are now split
- Fixed /players command
- Added "multiple engineers" tip
- Abilities now have descriptions when hovering over them.
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