New member
Minecraft username: Werew0lf
Ban/mute reason: 'Reaching'
Banned/muted by: ElectricCharged
Why you should be unbanned/unmuted: Simple, I wasn't reaching. The only evidence is a two second clip in which someone was hit, in my view, from 3 blocks -- and took knockback two more blocks, claiming it to be five in the video. Throughout the two minute clip, the analysis of the video doesn't show me hacking. (ironic the video was clipped by Gundabad who's known for hacking, exposed by his own friends in my VC, but I won't mention further). I have offered to screenshare on the spot as soon as my ban happened (in order to make sure it was not manipulated), I also had badlion on throughout the whole experience. I use a macbook so most hacks don't work for mac, and injection doesn't exist on macbooks (so hacks such as reach can't be used with badlion). If any other player was online at the time during the fight on badlion, they would have seen me using the default dance emote numerous times to confirm. (People who can confirm: Sliw, Junar, FindOutIRP, Milenkhov and so on) or anyone else who was on badlion at the time.
If you had an anti-cheat, it wouldn't become an issue. If this server had a working anti-cheat, I probably wouldn't be banned as of now. Also, take into account ping. In the clip, it was really high ping on my behalf. On my screen, with someone who was getting consistent lagspikes and freezing mid air (if anyone has clipped me lagging and freezing mid air during that fight), and has around 100 ping (even though im from the UK, I still have sh1t ping) (and Milenkhov, who is from Portugal, and has around 300 ping), it was an extremely bad example.
To the people who see this ban appeal and want to know what the clip was, go to 0.11 seconds and begin from there. That's their only proof, apparently lol. 0.11-0.12 dictated my whole ban for reach.
In the clip, you can see I'm consistently hitting him from 1-3 blocks away until the last part, which got me the ban for reach. If I planned on using reach, I think I'd much rather keep distance all the way. I was left with 1/2 my hp, and I don't think I can toggle reach at one certain point. I also don't have a windows computer which can be confirmed by the fact that I have clipped numerous fights on empirewar in the past with me PVPing on a macbook
Ban/mute reason: 'Reaching'
Banned/muted by: ElectricCharged
Why you should be unbanned/unmuted: Simple, I wasn't reaching. The only evidence is a two second clip in which someone was hit, in my view, from 3 blocks -- and took knockback two more blocks, claiming it to be five in the video. Throughout the two minute clip, the analysis of the video doesn't show me hacking. (ironic the video was clipped by Gundabad who's known for hacking, exposed by his own friends in my VC, but I won't mention further). I have offered to screenshare on the spot as soon as my ban happened (in order to make sure it was not manipulated), I also had badlion on throughout the whole experience. I use a macbook so most hacks don't work for mac, and injection doesn't exist on macbooks (so hacks such as reach can't be used with badlion). If any other player was online at the time during the fight on badlion, they would have seen me using the default dance emote numerous times to confirm. (People who can confirm: Sliw, Junar, FindOutIRP, Milenkhov and so on) or anyone else who was on badlion at the time.
If you had an anti-cheat, it wouldn't become an issue. If this server had a working anti-cheat, I probably wouldn't be banned as of now. Also, take into account ping. In the clip, it was really high ping on my behalf. On my screen, with someone who was getting consistent lagspikes and freezing mid air (if anyone has clipped me lagging and freezing mid air during that fight), and has around 100 ping (even though im from the UK, I still have sh1t ping) (and Milenkhov, who is from Portugal, and has around 300 ping), it was an extremely bad example.
To the people who see this ban appeal and want to know what the clip was, go to 0.11 seconds and begin from there. That's their only proof, apparently lol. 0.11-0.12 dictated my whole ban for reach.
In the clip, you can see I'm consistently hitting him from 1-3 blocks away until the last part, which got me the ban for reach. If I planned on using reach, I think I'd much rather keep distance all the way. I was left with 1/2 my hp, and I don't think I can toggle reach at one certain point. I also don't have a windows computer which can be confirmed by the fact that I have clipped numerous fights on empirewar in the past with me PVPing on a macbook