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Accepted Banned for "Hacked client" (IGN: MokeDuck)

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New member
I was honestly surprised when I saw this. BUT, then I realized. I have client instances and I was using a new instance, that I had forgotten about, that included this mod:


And, while I was still spam-clicking, the mod was making me attack every time the attack cooldown was done... which is 0, or very low. The mod isn't intended to be a hack, just a gameplay change for 1.9+ combat that I use for single-player PvE.

Anyways, if it's at all possible I can have the ban appealed, I certainly won't be making that mistake again, and I'm sorry about the issues. If you'd like, you can verify anyone fighting me that I didn't seem to have a huge advantage.

EDIT: I also have a history of good, legit gameplay on the server and positive community interaction. That may lend some validity for what I'm saying.

Thank you for your appeal. We discussed your ban, and decided to unban you.
Don't let it happen again.
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