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Berserker Needs a Nerf


New member
As most of you know, the class Berserker is very Overpowered at this point of view on Empirewar. Not only does Berserker hit like its on steroids, it ALSO has speed 1 (why does it even have speed 1?). Dont forget that certain players also get a golden helmet with protection 2 on the kit aswell, and the sharpness vote which makes it hit even harder. This kit can be countered by archers as said, but truly, only in an open field and where you cant hide anywhere. Now imagine not fighting a berserker, but 2 or sometimes even 3 or 4 in 1 team, this is highly unstopable for the normal player. Not to imagine the damage this class does with a critical hit, when that happens you are already out of the game. I will add a poll to see how most of you think.
The problem here is that you're saying it is either completely fine or needs a serious nerf. Why not just give it a medium nerf by removing strength or sharpness? Alternatively, you could mess around with different weapons mixed with different enchantments. As for the speed effect, the whole point of the berserker class is to have a fast-moving, high-damage, low-armor class. Take away speed, and it's just a really weird swordsman.
Ofcourse, from someone who has the class, I wouldnt expect an answer from you differently. But again about the poll, I meant 'serious' as in its seriously time to nerf the class, not on how big/small the nerf has to be.
If you think it's op I'd suggest playing more.
1. It can't do 2v1s unless it's going in as cleanup crew
2. Spearman is an unholy counter-class (but could use a slight buff)
3. It's only op when it targets people on low health.
4. It's absolute shit in group fights and gets mauled in seconds.
Anyone who disagrees with this should probably test this class out.
Everyone knows how much I play on EW, honestly I'm on 12+ hours of the day and I play This class for 8 or more of those hours through countless games and situations. It's quite good the way it is although more counter-classes like spearman or a pike class would be helpful I suppose.
After discussing the berserker class with some individuals on the server I have come to an understanding and advocate for a change in the class.

Berserker has access to the following features:
  • strength one
  • speed one
  • an extra half heart regeneration every 2.5 seconds

All of this establish the class as a hit and run striker meant to do massive damage to single opponents in a short amount of time and then slink away to recover and repeat its bloody work. However the berserker is covered too well and all of the former weaknesses and counters it had in 1.8 are now removed in the new 1.11 system.

Berserker was manageable because of the hit mechanics of 1.8, where it was easier to land successive hits on opponents. In addition the regeneration mechanics meant that a berserker, when it took damage, had to be cautious and stay away from the battlefield for some time. Lastly, the effects that berserker had were dependent on a potion that made it last only for 15 seconds while also giving it nausea. A player was still able to use berserker quite effectively but it had its share of weaknesses to make it a fair class. However with 1.11 making damage harder to deal out in melee conflicts and the extremely rapid regeneration a berserker is able to play nigh impudently knowing that it has an accelerated healing process and able to deal out far more damage with the attacks it can manage to land, which are not mitigated by any sort of nausea factor.

So lets just compile a list of the weakening aspects of berserker that made it fair in previous incarnations:
  • limited amount of time for strength and speed boost
  • nausea added to slightly confuse players (believe it or not this was easily worked around and is not so hindering)
  • 1.8 hit mechanics

Clearly the rapid regeneration is going to be retained having been stated by Tim as being a favorite feature of his for prolonging and intensifying fights. EW I doubt is ever going to transform itself into 1.8 again so that change is ruled out as well. The following suggestions I believe will improve berserker and modify it enough:

  1. Remove the extra .5 hearts of regeneration it gets, the current healing mechanisms are fast enough as is
  2. Create a dependency on the berserker to enhance its strength and speed, the most obvious of choices being one potion bottle that can be coded to imbue the berserker with the aforementioned effects
  3. Afflict the berserker with nausea while its effects are active (optional)

Through these changes I believe berserker can be improved. Thoughts?
I am just gonna state the damages berserker does currently and compare them to normal classes:

Berserker (non-crit) - 5 hearts (10 dmg)
Berserker (crit) - 7.5 hearts (15 dmg)

Soldier (non-crit) 3.5 hearts (7 dmg)
Soldier (crit) 5.25 hearts (10.5 dmg)

Notice how the crit of a soldier is roughly equal to a berserker. Thats an insane difference. And before people tune in about how it has no armor, berserk and warrior both basically take the same amount of hits to kill each other while berserker has speed 1 and regen 0.5. Not only this berserker can 2 shot any class which isn't soldier (I havent 100% tested dmgs of berserker vs warrior) due to crit scaling berserker's dmg a crazy amount (1.5x scaling or 50% more dmg).

Strength 1 - 1.5 hearts (3 dmg)
Sharpness (per level above 1) - 0.25 hearts (0.5 dmg)

Since both soldier and berserker have the same level of sharpness, the strength difference gives the berserker an effective 6 sharpness levels above soldier, which with sharpness vote puts it to an effective sharp 7 sword compared to the soldiers sharp 1.
There's no middle ground on the poll. I think it should only get a moderate nerf, but the only choices are serious nerf and no nerf.
lmao. this class is only good if you use it properly ( players like Only are insane with this class)
archer can takes 6-7 HEARTS per 1 arrow , same with spearman, if this happens in the middle of battle , youre died instantly
in 80 % of fight berserker vs soldier both need 3 hits to kill otherone
did i say you can always die in 1 s?
all classes can kill him .. (except medic ofc)
after 2 games of playing it i was PRETY SURE it needs BUFFS, i needed 2 hours of playing to realize this class is playable for me
the only reason i am playing this instead of soldier is better regen <3
It's kind of hard to judge if a class is OP when you rarely see it used in practice and even then only by like two or three players
Not me, they are easy kills. 3 hits and they die, not joking.
That haolens with noob beserkers but there are actually none anymore. I didnt kill one in even 5 hits with spearman... The 3 hots are for the opposite sode. They 3 hitnkill you.
I use the sharp three class the most. But spearman cand decimate berserker although it is hard to hit it with a spear because of speed boost.
[quote user_id="8653932" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/TheWitchGuy/74.png" name="TheWitchGuy"]Not me, they are easy kills. 3 hits and they die, not joking.
That haolens with noob beserkers but there are actually none anymore. I didnt kill one in even 5 hits with spearman... The 3 hots are for the opposite sode. They 3 hitnkill you.[/quote]
man archer need 5 melee hits (without crit) to kill berserker so dont lie

[quote user_id="8653932" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/TheWitchGuy/74.png" name="TheWitchGuy"]I use the sharp three class the most. But spearman cand decimate berserker although it is hard to hit it with a spear because of speed boost.[/quote]
and class with sharp 3 can 2 hit it with crits
If you think it's op I'd suggest playing more.
1. It can't do 2v1s unless it's going in as cleanup crew
2. Spearman is an unholy counter-class (but could use a slight buff)
3. It's only op when it targets people on low health.
4. It's absolute shit in group fights and gets mauled in seconds.
Anyone who disagrees with this should probably test this class out.
Everyone knows how much I play on EW, honestly I'm on 12+ hours of the day and I play This class for 8 or more of those hours through countless games and situations. It's quite good the way it is although more counter-classes like spearman or a pike class would be helpful I suppose.
1. With EW's lag it's more then easy to 2v1 with this class. you attack, escape Regen and rejoin the fight. (Also can easily escape 2v1)
2.kek no, brom try to hit someone who knows how to dodge, or without full hunger bar.
3.It can easily kill players with full health and even groups of it has the element of surprise.
4.hell no, in group fight you just let someone else go first and while he takes the damage you deal damage.
5. GGL brom
[quote user_id="12354507" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Lord_Kumiho/74.png" name="Lord_Kumiho"]If you think it's op I'd suggest playing more.
1. It can't do 2v1s unless it's going in as cleanup crew
2. Spearman is an unholy counter-class (but could use a slight buff)
3. It's only op when it targets people on low health.
4. It's absolute shit in group fights and gets mauled in seconds.
Anyone who disagrees with this should probably test this class out.
Everyone knows how much I play on EW, honestly I'm on 12+ hours of the day and I play This class for 8 or more of those hours through countless games and situations. It's quite good the way it is although more counter-classes like spearman or a pike class would be helpful I suppose.
1. With EW's lag it's more then easy to 2v1 with this class. you attack, escape Regen and rejoin the fight. (Also can easily escape 2v1)
2.kek no, brom try to hit someone who knows how to dodge, or without full hunger bar.
3.It can easily kill players with full health and even groups of it has the element of surprise.
4.hell no, in group fight you just let someone else go first and while he takes the damage you deal damage.
5. GGL brom[/quote]

Dude. Okay, EW isn't as laggy as you seem to think for everyone. 80% of the time I have 0 lag and I play with a steady if not nice 20-30fps (lol) Trust me, "EW's lag" is a very shitty excuse. And 60% of the time if someone is using spearman, they Know when to throw a spear. It CAN easily kill players but it DOESN'T as it is actually targetted in group fights it Reealllly doesn't last too long. '4.' is your only good point but you're still wrong. Letting people go first to soften the enemy and rushing in to cleanup is op, yeah sure. It doesn't last too long after in *most* cases. Not all obviously. 8/10 group fights it barely lasts more than 2s unless there are 1 or more other donor classses on the same team. Which isn't too rare while it isn't always the case at all. Your mistake in judging Berserker as a class is talking of scenarios where Berserker is used to it's fullest potential and therefor more than op but in the standard battle it's targetted, usually already low, and yes there's lag for everyone so there's a fair chance that a lagspike hits and while everyone is frozen on your screen you're actually getting destroyed by two or three of the enemy team.
You don't let them attack alone, you attack with them but make sure that the other player attack your teammates and not you