First Place:
Prize: 2500 points, and a donor class or class package.
De_Mik & ElectricCharged
Second Place:
Prize: 2500 points.
Third Place:
Prize: 1750 points.
Trickey (& Lord_GiacomoS)
Fourth Place:
Prize: 1000 points.
Fifth Place:
Prize: 500 points.
There were a lot of brilliant entries, and a fair number who almost made this list, but not quite. Especial congratulations to De_Mik & ElectricCharged, who came first place even though they were not whitelisted on our build server (EpicQuestz). In addition, due to their hard work, De_Mik, ElectricCharged, Trickey, Lord_GiacomoS and StarYoshi1967 will be whitelisted on EpicQuestz.Prize: 2500 points, and a donor class or class package.
De_Mik & ElectricCharged

Second Place:
Prize: 2500 points.

Third Place:
Prize: 1750 points.
Trickey (& Lord_GiacomoS)

Fourth Place:
Prize: 1000 points.

Fifth Place:
Prize: 500 points.

Remember Anniversary from 11th-12th November. Be there!