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Classes and Abilities in the future of Empire War


Staff member
V2 Hero
Changes are coming to our beloved classes!

Hello there everybody! Today I'd like to reveal a couple of things for you all about classes and abilities on our new server.
I would like to start off by letting you know that while there are changes coming, the concept will stay more or less the same. There will be a default roster of classes, unlockable classes, premium classes and more. With that being said we have started from scratch this time and built almost all of our classes from the ground up. Very few classes have made the transition to the new server and those that did have gone through changes.

Not to worry though. You will still be able to play all of your favorite default classes such as soldier, archer, spearman and constructor (I have some more news regarding Constructor further down). As for the unlockable classes: Only a couple have made the transition. For the classes that are being left behind on the old server, there will be new classes made with heavy inspiration of the old taking their place so you don't have to worry about losing any favorites.

There is however one exception to what I've said so far. Our 5 universal premium classes have come to an end. We've felt that these classes break immersion and have at times been hard to balance. As of right now we have no universal classes waiting for you all on v3 and we have no plans on adding them.

People who have bought gold or "pack" classes in the past will obviously be compensated and we will make sure they get their moneys worth on the new server. More details on this subject will follow.

We are using new self-coded plugins to make our classes that allow for much greater variation and creative freedom compared to the old server. We are taking full advantage of commands allowing us to change attributes of both items and players. Weapons and armour are given custom damage/defence stats and some classes will have a modified healthpool or running speed. Expect our classes to have a greater amount of variation and a more unique feel. Changing armour stats also allows us to pick armour for a class based on vanity rather than balance, to make them look as good as possible.

One of our most notable changes will be made to the constructor class, which has always been polarizing throughout its many years on the server. Large amounts of blocks have kept gates shut for good and it has sometimes brought games to a complete halt. Well, no more!

Bracing gates using wood is no longer an option, from now on, gates can be braced in 2 ways. Players will be able to bring rocks and other materials to brace the gates with, similarly to the old wood-bracing. This will however be handled differently and will not be as spammable or reliant as the old wood. The second way is by using bodies. By running up to the gate and pressing yourself against it as it gets bashed, you and your teammates will be able to negate a lot of damage.

To prevent the all too common gate-spam of opening and closing the gates we have increased the cooldowns of gates and also added animations. This means that rather than flipping instantly between open and closed, gates will cycle through a couple of stages.

Constructor is being reworked to fill a different purpose. Using material that can be gathered around the map, constructors will be able to build premade structures around the map such as barricades and defensive machines.
On the attacking team there will in many cases be an Engineer class, that instead will raise siege ladders, catapults and such.




With that being said, we don't necessarily want to strip players of all creative freedom when it comes to this class and we plan on also giving constructor classes a small amount of wood that is free to place wherever. This will however be limited by a "material pool" that each team has. The material you collect will get added to your teams reserves and handed out to constructors whenever they restock or spawn. Place your material with caution and never waste good wood.

New rocks!
The rocks that can be thrown by trolls and ents have also been changed. As seen in our recently released trailer: Rocks will no longer instakill the target but they will deal damage in an area, allowing you to hit multiple targets. The cooldown, damage and splash radius of these rocks can all be modified.

New abilities!
The new server will bring tons of them, Let me show you a couple of them.


Some classes carrying shields will be able to use them to keep their enemies at a distance.


Careful when engaging warriors with big blunt weapons, some might be able to stun you, Disorienting you at the start of the fight. Remember to bring your helmet!


The mage-jumps spiritual successor will allow certain classes to traverse rough terrain and bypass obstacles that others cannot.

As confident as I am in all the new content we have prepared, I am well aware that not everything will be flawless. We are doing our very best to balance every aspect of the game and we will continue to do so after release. I am looking forward to seeing you all, both old and new faces on the new server and we are eagerly awaiting your feedback!