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Custom Classes


Former Staff
V2 Sage
V1 Hero
An idea just came to mind about, what if EW had the option of you creating you're own class? You would be able to fine tune your class to fit your needs and create the type of playstyle you want to play rather than be limited to th

How to create a custom class:

First, you would start out with an arbitrary amount of class points to spend on items and perks. Lets say for an example 32 points.

To place items in your custom class it would require points to spend from your total of 32. Lets say a bow costs 12, power 1 costing 6 leather armor 6, a wooden sword 4 and 16 arrows which also costs 4. This totals upto 32 out of 32 class points, so you cannot place anymore items into your class without removing other items.

This custom class as an example is identical to normal archer and is not stronger in any way.

Here are some values for items so you can come up with your own class:

Total class points = 32 pts


Wooden Sword = 4 pts
Stone Sword = 6 pts
Iron Sword = 10 pts
Sharpness 1 = 4 pts
Sharpness 2 = 8 pts
Bow = 12 pts
1 Spear = 6 pts
2 Spears = 8 pts
3 Spears = 10 pts

Leather Armor = 6 pts
Chain Armor = 12 pts
Iron Armor = 22 pts


Sharpness 1 = 4 pts
Sharpness 2 = 8 pts
Knockback 1 = 4 pts
Punch 1 = 6 pts
Power 1 = 6 pts
Power 2 = 12 pts
Protection 1 (Chestplate Only) = 8 pts
Projectile Protection 1 (Chestplate Only) = 6 pts
Thorns 1 (Chestplate Only) = 8 pts
Feather Falling 1 (Boots Only) = 2 pts
Feather Falling 2 (Boots Only) = 4 pts


16 Arrows = 4 pts
32 Arrows = 6 pts
4 Wood = 6 pts

Using these values normal classes (ones currently on the server) would add upto these amounts of points:

Soldier - Iron sword ( 10 ) + Iron armor ( 22 ) = 32

Archer - Wooden sword ( 4 ) + Leather armor ( 6 ) + 16 arrows ( 4 ) + Bow ( 12 ) + Power 1 ( 6 ) = 32

Spearman - Chain armor ( 12 ) + Iron sword ( 10 ) + 3 spears ( 10 ) = 32

Here are some custom kit ideas I have come up with:

Class 1 - Iron sword ( 10 ) + Sharpness 2 ( 8 ) + Knockback 1 ( 6 ) + 3 spears ( 8 ) = 32
This would be a good assassin class which could deal high amounts of dmg with sharpness 2 (3 if voted) and with spears. However due to the lack of armor it would be weak in a straight up fight with a melee class.

Class 2 - Bow ( 12 ) + Chain Armor ( 12 ) + 16 arrows ( 4 ) + Wooden sword ( 4 ) = 32
This would be an armored variant of the archer class, but due to having chain armor and a bow it is unable to have a power 1 bow making the bow considerably weaker.

Class 3 - Iron sword ( 10 ) + Bow ( 12 ) + 16 arrows ( 4 ) + Leather armor ( 6 ) = 32
This would be a closer range version of archer, where you would soften up targets using the bow and finshing them using the iron sword. The weakness of this compared to normal archer is the lack of power 1, making the bow alot weaker.

Class 4 - Stone sword ( 6 ) + Iron armor ( 22 ) + Knockback 1 ( 4 ) = 32
This would be a tank kind of class which knocks enemies back from it, wasting time and allowing teammates to help out.

Class 5 - 3 spears ( 10 ) + Bow ( 12 ) + Punch 1 ( 6 ) + 16 arrows ( 4 ) = 32

While you could have gone with power instead of punch 1 and a wooden sword instead of the additional 2 spears, this class has no armor so it would want to stay out of melee range. It would be most effective at long - mid range firing arrows and then execute the enemy with a spear. Using the punch 1 it would be easier to stay at a mid range so you can utilize your spear effectively. The lack of armor is the main weakness of a setup like this. It would be a really nice kiting class, which is the type of class EW most lacks atm.

Those are just some examples I had come up with using the values I had come up with. I feel like a custom class system would be an amazing development for the server. If the points system were re-added it would be perfect in junction with this custom class system. You would buy the class items using ingame points you have earnt points. It would provide a progression system to empire war while (hopefully) staying well balanced. Not only this but you could frequently add updates to the server and class system such as add poison arrows, shields or poison spears like in old Empire War or even character buffs like speed. Some of this could be donor only perks providing more incentive to donate.

You may be questioning, "but Riku, wont this make donating for classes useless or unique map classes no longer unique? Why donate when I could simply choose a class from the custom classes?" - You could simply omit all of the features from the donor classes such as arrow volley, mage staff (fireball and mage jump), strength, halberd axe features and stuff like that out of the custom class items and effects. This would mean donating for classes would still give you unique classes which are unlike any other class in the game. This would also be true for unique map classes such as bonebreaker. Also you could extend the donor perks using this custom class system such as donor only speed 1 option or other buffs like that.

"Wont this be hard to balance?" - While some combinations might be stronger than some classes on empire war, with fine tuning I think the custom class system could be well balanced and would be easier to add new class features without unbalancing everything else, once it has been balanced.

"Riku, this will be too hard to code!" - While I don't know much about coding or how hard this could be to implement, ive seen this type of custom class system be used on other servers such as some DvZ's (wont say the names of them to avoid advertising :D), so its definitely possible.
I really like this idea, and hope it will be added.

Btw, how long did it take to make all this lol?
I really like this idea, maybe also add some kind of way to earn more points but also to have a maximum of points to spend. Also maybe adding some kind of 'éffect' in your play style. Maybe you should add a poll.
I really like this, but I have some ideas I wish to add:

-Allow customization of each armour piece, scaling point values based on the protection rating. Gold armour could be reserved for donors, as an incentive to donate.
-Flame enchantment for the bow (12 points? Should be expensive IMO)
-Poisoned spears (also expensive)
-Shields (12 points?)
-Thorns I enchantment (chestplate only, 8 points?)
-Debuffs that give you points rather than costing them (Slowness, Weakness, etc.)
-More weapon choices (axes, pickaxes, even shovels?)
What if donors get more points depending on their rank? For example lord gets 34 points, legend 36, veteran 38 and king gets 40.
What if donors get more points depending on their rank? For example lord gets 34 points, legend 36, veteran 38 and king gets 40.

That would be massively unbalanced. Lets say I was king and used your values for king. I could get power 2 ( 12 ) + bow ( 12 ) + chain armor ( 12 ) + 16 arrows ( 4 ) = 40

It would be better if donors got the option of adding speed and other such buffs which would cost maybe 8 - 10 pts to add to their kit.

[quote user_id="12519458" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/Szucsclan/74.png" name="Szucsclan"]I really like this, but I have some ideas I wish to add:

-Allow customization of each armour piece, scaling point values based on the protection rating. Gold armour could be reserved for donors, as an incentive to donate.
-Flame enchantment for the bow (12 points? Should be expensive IMO)
-Poisoned spears (also expensive)
-Shields (12 points?)
-Thorns I enchantment (chestplate only, 8 points?)
-Debuffs that give you points rather than costing them (Slowness, Weakness, etc.)
-More weapon choices (axes, pickaxes, even shovels?)[/quote]

I was going to add shields, but was not sure on how to balance them since I could just choose a bow and a shield, completely negating any damage an archer could do while also shooting other archers. I kept the initial design simple but maybe if you were to choose a bow, you couldn't just also choose a shield for balancing sake.
i think that you need to do a list of things that will not able to fit togther such as: shield and bow, wood and bow, any possible enchant and wood.
Love this idea! Would be an amazing idea and addition making for interesting battles as well as gameplay tactics. Although if the point system is going to be the same as In Empire War V1 you might want to Up the cost by a bit especially since people might decide to do this and see this as easier than going for the Point Classes that will be added.