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Donor Perk Suggestions! :D

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V2 Veteran
V1 Veteran
So, I've been looking at the shop recently, at the ranks, classes, etc. and I must say, it seems rather empty. Now I get that there are a very LARGE amount of miscellaneous things on the TO-DO list for Tim, Steal and crew though spicing up the store, ranks and whatnot would most definitely give a little more incentive, even something so small as team priority? I remember old EW had fireworks in main lobby and Spectator. My imagination is somewhat limited atm drop a suggestion tho :P
How about speed/jump boost for the parkour in the lobby, give donors the ability to join a third team which will be some sort of free for all team (maybe hell's orcs, think it was something like uttonom).
[quote user_id="7396155" avatar="https://cravatar.eu/helmavatar/arakrsptec/74.png" name="arakrsptec"]I like fireworks.
Perhaps they could use fireworks in-game, as some sort of emergency flare to mark objectives.[/quote]
I like that as well, with a time limit. Too much too laggy.
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