Hey, guys! Thu here!
So, some of you may know I have a Dungeons and Dragons group irl. I am trying to make the greatest, most devious, most frustratingly, infuriatingly long and difficult dungeon since the Tomb of Horrors for my group to play/rage. I was going to ask my awesome friends on EW for dungeon room ideas, but I decided, "Aw hell, why not make it fun for them?" So I'm starting the Dungeon Contest. Give me ideas for dungeon rooms or encounters, be they combat, traps, puzzles, or other, and I'll take them into consideration. But wait, there's more! When we've got enough entries, I'll choose my favorite entries and post them in a separate thread as a poll, and you all can vote for your favorite dungeon room! Let the devious inventiveness begin!
Thank you for participating, it means a lot.
Oh maybe you need some background on the dungeon. It's called the Temple of Elemental Evil 2.0, after the popular dungeon module from Greyhawk. Basically, the big boss is an efreet - like a big djinn-demon-fire guy. The temple in general has a mix of monsters.
So, some of you may know I have a Dungeons and Dragons group irl. I am trying to make the greatest, most devious, most frustratingly, infuriatingly long and difficult dungeon since the Tomb of Horrors for my group to play/rage. I was going to ask my awesome friends on EW for dungeon room ideas, but I decided, "Aw hell, why not make it fun for them?" So I'm starting the Dungeon Contest. Give me ideas for dungeon rooms or encounters, be they combat, traps, puzzles, or other, and I'll take them into consideration. But wait, there's more! When we've got enough entries, I'll choose my favorite entries and post them in a separate thread as a poll, and you all can vote for your favorite dungeon room! Let the devious inventiveness begin!
Thank you for participating, it means a lot.
Oh maybe you need some background on the dungeon. It's called the Temple of Elemental Evil 2.0, after the popular dungeon module from Greyhawk. Basically, the big boss is an efreet - like a big djinn-demon-fire guy. The temple in general has a mix of monsters.