The Great Empire War Survey Results Summary
Ladies and Gentlemen, here it is. It took a lot of analysis and summarising. The simple multiple-choice answers were easy... the rest, not so much. I'd like to thank [user avatar="" name="StealWonders"]5363448[/user] and [user avatar="" name="Dr_olex"]11532960[/user] for spending so much time on this. And of course I'd like to thank the 85 of you who participated, you've been a great help.
I'll try and keep it as simple as possible. We, the staff team, have a lot more information to take in, but I thought it'd be nice for you to get an understanding of the results too. Under each sub-heading I've included the most notable and common responses, to hopefully reflect the general opinion - it's impossible to reflect every view here.
General Questions
Did you play on the old server (v.1)?
How did you find out about Empire War?
Overall, how would you rate Empire War?
Has the server become better or worse throughout 2017?
Which was better, Empire War v.1 or v.2?
What makes you enjoy Empire War?
The majority of responses included the community, the unique game style, and LOTR.
What makes you not to play on the server?
The majority of responses included lag, repetitiveness, lack of players and toxicity.
Would you play if there were less lag?
Did you play on the old server (v.1)?

How did you find out about Empire War?
- Most commonly through google search (31)
- Second most commonly through friends (23)
Overall, how would you rate Empire War?
- The most common rating was 8/10 by far.
- 80% of ratings were above 7/10.
Has the server become better or worse throughout 2017?
- 51 people said it had improved.
- 16 people said it had become worse.
- 14 didn't know or had mixed opinions.
Which was better, Empire War v.1 or v.2?
- 51 people said v.1 was better, with 13 saying v.2 was better.
- 17 declined to answer with either.
- Most people said that v.1 was better due to aspects such as: more players, better LOTR/siege feeling, and more-lore based features.
What makes you enjoy Empire War?
The majority of responses included the community, the unique game style, and LOTR.
What makes you not to play on the server?
The majority of responses included lag, repetitiveness, lack of players and toxicity.
Would you play if there were less lag?

Online/Website Based Questions
What could be done to improve the forums?
What could be done to improve the Discord server?
What could be done to improve the forums?
- Aesthetics & Web-design.
- Add server/class/map info or a wiki.
- Encourage forum activity.
What could be done to improve the Discord server?
- Remove the 'bae' rank. [removed]
- Remove #roleplay. [removed]
- Add/sync donor ranks.
- Reduce the amount of Anime in channels. [added an #anime channel]
- Add more channels in general, like a music channel.
Siege Server Related Questions
Do you agree with how we handle punishments and appeals?
Which map do you enjoy the most?
Which map could do with a makeover?
Overall, do you enjoy the gameplay?
How would you improve the current PvP system?
What new features would you love to see in the future?
How would you improve the 'siege atmosphere'?
Do you think our gameplay experience is balanced or imbalanced?
The vast, majority of people think the gameplay is overall balanced.
Should we add more gamemodes?
Do you like the current selection of classes?
What in your opinion is the most overpowered class and how would you fix it?
What in your opinion is the most underpowered class and how would you fix it?
Do you enjoy buying point classes? If not: how would you change the current system?
Would you like to be able to influence the battlefield more in the future?
81% said yes, such as player controlled catapults and the ability to blow stuff up or build and destroy more of the castles.
Do you agree with how we handle punishments and appeals?

Which map do you enjoy the most?

Which map could do with a makeover?
- Minas Morgul (17 votes). We are aware of the issues with this map, and welcome suggestions on how to improve it.
- Osgiliath was mentioned a lot too. We are actively looking into how to improve it.
- Moria Great Halls, Helm's Deep, and Minas Tirith each got over 10 votes too, even though they were the most popular maps too.
Overall, do you enjoy the gameplay?

How would you improve the current PvP system?
- Give points for MVP.
- 'Reduce lag' was mentioned a lot, but this isn't exactly an aspect of the PvP 'system'...
What new features would you love to see in the future?
- In-game /top list, or a monthly scoreboard/hall of fame.
- Point shop.
- Boss fights.
- More gamemodes.
- More diverse classes, playable creatures and fun abilities.
- Fun battlefield 'events' (such as Helm's wall explosion).
- Men left indicator.
How would you improve the 'siege atmosphere'?
- Lore elements in chat.
- Heroes.
- Unique battlefield events.
- Day/night cycle. [added on tirith]
- Incentivise team-based winning as opposed to the protection of kill/death ratio.
- Allow teams to run out of supplies when defending a castle.
Do you think our gameplay experience is balanced or imbalanced?
The vast, majority of people think the gameplay is overall balanced.
Should we add more gamemodes?

Do you like the current selection of classes?
- Most people were quite happy.
- There should be more classes which encourage group play over solo play.
- More exciting abilities.
- More free/voter classes (and non-donor classes in general).
- Fun 'boss' classes such as Naz-Gul and Balrog.
- "do you even read the suggestions?"
What in your opinion is the most overpowered class and how would you fix it?
- [27 votes] for Troll. A lot has changed since the survey came out to balance troll.
- [7 votes] for Mage. Most common suggestions were to remove speed or knockback.
- [6 votes] for Berserker. Suggestions: Reduce regen, or replace permanent strength with potions.
- [5 votes] for Ranger. Most recommendations involve nerfing volley in some way.
What in your opinion is the most underpowered class and how would you fix it?
- [8 votes] for Archer. Suggestions: Buff restock, number of arrows, and allow restock to be cancellable. [Since the survey, Archer randomness has been removed]
- [7 votes] for Halberd.
- [6 votes] for Constructor. People suggested giving it more wood, allowing it to place traps/turrets, and making it more tanky.
- [5 votes] for Skirmisher.
Do you enjoy buying point classes? If not: how would you change the current system?
- Most say 'yes'.
- Add a 50% refund ability.
- Add much cheaper and much more expensive classes, for new people and long-time players.
- Allow a trial period.
Would you like to be able to influence the battlefield more in the future?
81% said yes, such as player controlled catapults and the ability to blow stuff up or build and destroy more of the castles.
The donation system and donor issues
Have you donated to Empire War v.2?
Are donor classes better than normal classes?
Do you approve of the current donation system?
Would you consider buying classes or packs in the future?
If you are a donator, what made you donate, and what would make you donate more?
Should we add more universal or map-specific classes?
34 said map-specific, 17 said universal.
How would you improve the current set of donor features?
Have you donated to Empire War v.2?

Are donor classes better than normal classes?

Do you approve of the current donation system?

Would you consider buying classes or packs in the future?

If you are a donator, what made you donate, and what would make you donate more?
- Reasons why they donated: Liking the server, to support the server, the chat tag... and 'to be OP'.
- What would make it more likely to donate again: Less lag
Should we add more universal or map-specific classes?
34 said map-specific, 17 said universal.
How would you improve the current set of donor features?
- More map-specific features such as blowing up Helm's wall.
- More features for high ranks like King/Sage, such as map votes and maybe a limited rally system.
- Forum perks.
- Custom heads.
- Donor lobby.
- Point boosters.
- Joining full teams.
- Loot crates.
Anything else?
People mentioned custom classes, better advertising through YouTube or other ways, more events, more easter-eggs, and more roleplay features.
For those of you who read through that monstrosity, well done. We've been looking at it for a good month or two, so hopefully you'll see some changes being made. As well as this thread being useful for you, it is usefull for us (the staff team) to harvest ideas from.